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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 456

Chapter 456 I’m Ms. Louise’s Bodyguard

Sam said anxiously, "No, maybe I can help you."

"You?" Luca chuckled bitterly, saying, "Sam, it's not a good time to joke."

Sam said seriously, "I'm not joking. Because… I work for Ms. Louise."

"What did you say? I didn't get it." Luca was stunned.

"I'm her bodyguard. She is the daughter of the Adelmar family. Do you understand now? So, I know where to find her," Sam explained.

Luca was completely dumbfounded.

Does the simple-minded waiter, Sam, know martial arts?

Is she Ms. Louise's bodyguard?

Whose daughter is Emmeline?

Is she from the Adelmar family?

Sam said, "Luca, are you listening?"

"Yes!" Luca was sweating nervously.

Can he have found what he is looking for without effort?

"Wait for me. I'll book a ticket to Osea immediately."

Luca took a breath and asked, "Can you tell me the specific location of Adelmar Island over the phone?"

"There is no Adelmar island. It's a joint name," Sam replied.

Luca was puzzled, "Joint name? What does that mean?"


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