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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 458

Chapter 458 I Would Have Taken a Bullet for Her

Abel flushed his vomit down the toilet and wiped his face with a cold towel before entering the room. Luca could immediately tell that something was wrong with Abel as soon as he caught sight of his deathly pale face and beads of cold sweat on his forehead.

“Mr. Abel, are you alright?” Luca asked worriedly.

“I’m fine,” Abel managed to muster. “Just a little tired after showering…”

“Get some rest after dinner, Mr. Abel. You don’t look too good…” Luca said.

“Sure,” Abel said before turning to his butler. “Please serve the food now.” The butler and waiters quickly organized themselves, serving and presenting the dishes neatly in front of Abel before quietly leaving the room.

“Guys, don’t worry about me,” Abel told Luca and Janie. “Go out to a restaurant for your dinner.”

“Ms. Eastwood and I will stay here with you, Mr. Abel,” Luca was adamant.

“How can I eat comfortably with you two staring at me like that?” Abel chuckled. “I’m fine, really. Go and have a meal before picking Sam up.”

Luca and Janie exchanged looks. They were still worried about Abel, but they knew better than to disobey his instructions. Finally, they decided to leave Abel in search of some dinner.

Abel stared at the tantalizing array of food in front of him, but he could not stomach it at all. He was certain he was going to throw up again if he tried consuming anything. He stood up weakly and carried two platefuls of food into the restroom before flushing it down the toilet bowl and returning to his bedroom.

By the time the both of them returned to the hotel, Abel was up and waiting for Sam in the living room of his suite. He had not eaten anything but seemed to feel slightly better after having a short nap. His pale complexion only made him seem more severe.


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