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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 459

Chapter 459 Lady Adelmar

“I would’ve too. I stopped the first bullet, but I couldn’t stop the second one…” Abel said regretfully as he noticed Sam’s tears streaming down her cheeks. “Who is her real family? Is it the Adelmar family?”

Sam nodded gently without speaking.

“Who heads the family?” Abel asked.

“I… can’t say…” Sam shook her head.

“I’ll find out tomorrow anyway,” Abel reminded her. “You might as well tell me now.”

“No,” Sam said, avoiding Abel’s eyes. “If you find out on your own, no one can say it’s because I told you…”

“Huh! The girl is tight-lipped, it seems…” Abel chuckled.

“I’m only here to escort you onto the island before I have to return to Struyria,” Sam continued. “If you meet Ms. Emmeline, please let me know how she is.”

“Since you’re already here, why don’t you just come along with us? Luca asked.

“I don’t know how the Master would react when he meets you,” Sam explained. “I should steer clear of him to avoid being punished. He’s already angry enough that I failed to protect Ms. Emmeline. He gave me an earful through the phone that day…” Sam’s lips quivered as she spoke.


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