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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 461

Chapter 461 Emma’s Loaded

Abel let out a light chuckle. “I completely underestimated Emma. I thought she was just the owner of a small coffee shop who moonlighted as a stunt artist…”

“Emma used to say that she only became a stunt performer because she was bored,” Janie said. “I always thought she was saying that just to irk me, but I guess it’s real, huh…”

“When I offered her my credit card, she told me she had money. I even laughed at her and said her money wasn’t enough…” Abel smiled at the memory. “Who would’ve guessed that she was actually loaded!”

“Mr. Ryker, you’re not upset that Emma kept it a secret from you, are you?” there was a hint of worry in Janie’s voice.

“Of course not,” Abel said. “I would’ve been upset if Emma had to continue making ends meet by herself for the children’s sake after being chased out by the Louises five years ago. I couldn’t be more thankful that the Adelmars were there for her! How could I be upset with her?”

The group found a nearby hotel to stay for the night. As soon as they settled down, Luca made a call to Sam once more. This time, she finally picked up.

“Oh no,” Sam said as soon as she realized her blunder. “I got too used to calling him Benjamin that I forgot his real name. He’s known as Benedict Adelmar to people on the island.”

“Benedict?” Luca could not hide his surprise. “No wonder the guard said there was no one named Benjamin.”

“Let’s get some rest for now,” Abel said. “We’ll visit the manor again after lunch.”

“Everyone’s here. Let’s go,” Abel said.


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