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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 460

Chapter 460 No One Named Benjamin York

An hour later, the yacht ferrying Abel and his crew sailed out to sea, breezing past hundreds of islands big and small. Close to noon, Sam finally pointed toward an island in the distance. “Mr. Ryker, look! That’s where Master lives,” she informed Abel.

“Wow, you were right. I’d take an entire month locating this place on my own...” Abel said, squinting his eyes to get a better look at the faraway island, He instructed the crew to speed up, and in less than an hour, the yacht arrived on the shores of the mysterious island. From afar, the island did not look to be inhabited nor have any buildings, but now that they were up close, Abel was surprised to discover that the island was a bustling city sprawling with vehicles and modern buildings.

“Master owns all of the businesses on this island and about a dozen other islands nearby too,” Sam explained. “Adelmar Island is just a collective name for all these islands, but no one from the outside world knows about it. This island itself is known to us as Dawn Island because it is the first of the islands to see the sun rise at dawn.”

Abel was momentarily silent, for he had not expected such a complicated backstory of the islands. It was no wonder information was scarce when they tried to look up the island themselves.

“This is where I’ll leave you,” Sam announced as soon as the yacht docked at the pier. “You’ll find the magnificent Dawn Manor in the middle of the city center. That’s where the Master lives. As for which island Ms. Emmeline is on, you’ll have to ask the Master yourself.”

Abel and his motley crew stepped off the yacht onto land while Sam remained on board. Luca watched Sam’s figure gradually disappear from his sight as the little yacht reversed out of the pier and drifted back into the open seas. They then made their way to the nearest road to hail a cab to Dawn Manor.

“There’s definitely no one named Benjamin here,” the man reiterated.

A few long moments after, Abel finally looked down in defeat. “Alright. Thank you then,” he said before walking away from the door.

Luca chased after his employer. “Mr. Abel, what just happened?” Luca was equally as confused.

“This must be the place,” Abel insisted. “Perhaps they have their reasons for not wanting to meet with us…”


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