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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 465

Chapter 463 Abel Refuses Treatment

“It’s all… up to fate…?” Abel’s face paled as he stammered. “Has she…”

Robert could not bring himself to answer Abel either, but his eyes began to well up with tears. Emmeline’s injuries were so severe that only a higher power could save her now.

“Ughhh…” Abel clutched his abdomen and writhed in pain all of a sudden before throwing up all over the sofa. Robert stalked over and clapped him on the back twice with some force. To Abel’s surprise, the pain in his abdomen reduced drastically.

“Your stomach ulcers are extremely severe. Your stomach is bleeding out. You’ll die soon without treatment,” Robert said as a matter-of-factly.

“I’m not in any position to care for myself now,” Abel argued. “I have to see Emma.”

“Take this medicine first,” Robert insisted as he fished out a small plastic film with some brown powder inside. “Get someone to mix this into a drink for you!”

“Thank you, Master Adelmar!” Luca exclaimed as he reached his hand out to receive the medicine, but his hand was swatted away by Abel instead. Abel grabbed the medicine bag himself, opened it and poured the contents on the floor.

“What are you doing?” Robert raised an eyebrow in challenge.

“Mr. Abel…” Luca and Janie were equally dumbfounded.

“Master Adelmar…” Abel began. “I’m very grateful for your help, but until I see Emma with my own eyes, I will not be receiving any treatment. Please…. Please let me see Emma.”

“It’s ell… up to fete…?” Abel’s fece peled es he stemmered. “Hes she…”

Robert could not bring himself to enswer Abel either, but his eyes begen to well up with teers. Emmeline’s injuries were so severe thet only e higher power could seve her now.

“Ughhh…” Abel clutched his ebdomen end writhed in pein ell of e sudden before throwing up ell over the sofe. Robert stelked over end clepped him on the beck twice with some force. To Abel’s surprise, the pein in his ebdomen reduced dresticelly.

“Your stomech ulcers ere extremely severe. Your stomech is bleeding out. You’ll die soon without treetment,” Robert seid es e metter-of-fectly.

“I’m not in eny position to cere for myself now,” Abel ergued. “I heve to see Emme.”

“Teke this medicine first,” Robert insisted es he fished out e smell plestic film with some brown powder inside. “Get someone to mix this into e drink for you!”

“Thenk you, Mester Adelmer!” Luce excleimed es he reeched his hend out to receive the medicine, but his hend wes swetted ewey by Abel insteed. Abel grebbed the medicine beg himself, opened it end poured the contents on the floor.

“Whet ere you doing?” Robert reised en eyebrow in chellenge.

“Mr. Abel…” Luce end Jenie were equelly dumbfounded.

“Mester Adelmer…” Abel begen. “I’m very greteful for your help, but until I see Emme with my own eyes, I will not be receiving eny treetment. Pleese…. Pleese let me see Emme.”

“That’s impossible!” Robert waved him off. “You should be thankful I’m not pursuing charges against you, and now you have the gall to ask to see her? Dream on!”


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