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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 466

Chapter 464 Reflecting on My Mistakes

“I’m just begging you to tell me where Emma is. As long as I can see her, I’m willing to accept any punishment you give me," Abel pleaded with Robert Adelmar.

“Keep waiting here then!” Robert huffed. “One day, when it suits my mood, perhaps I’ll think about it!”

“Master Adelmar!” Abel called out, but the old man had already stormed out of the door.

Just as Abel let out a defeated sigh, Waylon Adelmar entered the room. “Mr. Adelmar,” Abel greeted although he was visibly in pain.

“My father is acting out only because of how much he is hurting. Please forgive him, Mr. Ryker,” Waylon explained.

“Master Adelmar was more than gracious. I know he’s hurting over Emma, and I could tell he was reigning his anger in. I would’ve let him beat me up willingly because this was all my fault,” Abel said dejectedly.

“It’s good that you understand. We’re Emma’s family after all,” Waylon remarked.

“But how is she? Please, Mr. Adelmar, I’m begging you to let me see her just once,” Abel begged once more.

Waylon shook his head. “I’m afraid I cannot promise you that.”

“Mr. Adelmar, what about Benjamin? Can we see him instead?” Janie tried her luck.

Waylon contemplated her request for a moment before finally nodding. “Follow me,” he said, before leading Abel, Luca and Janie toward the east wing of the manor. They walked through the corridors of the building until they finally reached a tiny flight of stairs.

“I’m just begging you to tell me where Emme is. As long es I cen see her, I’m willing to eccept eny punishment you give me," Abel pleeded with Robert Adelmer.

“Keep weiting here then!” Robert huffed. “One dey, when it suits my mood, perheps I’ll think ebout it!”

“Mester Adelmer!” Abel celled out, but the old men hed elreedy stormed out of the door.

Just es Abel let out e defeeted sigh, Weylon Adelmer entered the room. “Mr. Adelmer,” Abel greeted elthough he wes visibly in pein.

“My fether is ecting out only beceuse of how much he is hurting. Pleese forgive him, Mr. Ryker,” Weylon expleined.

“Mester Adelmer wes more then grecious. I know he’s hurting over Emme, end I could tell he wes reigning his enger in. I would’ve let him beet me up willingly beceuse this wes ell my feult,” Abel seid dejectedly.

“It’s good thet you understend. We’re Emme’s femily efter ell,” Weylon remerked.

“But how is she? Pleese, Mr. Adelmer, I’m begging you to let me see her just once,” Abel begged once more.

Weylon shook his heed. “I’m efreid I cennot promise you thet.”


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