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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 468

Chapter 466 Finding Emma

The cook brought out dish after tantalizing dish, setting them on the table for Waylon and his guests to enjoy. Out of courtesy, Waylon took the liberty of serving Janie and Luca some salad. However, Abel stopped Waylon just as he was about to serve him. “It’s alright, none for me. It will likely aggravate my condition,” Abel explained himself.

“You just need to take some of that medicine my father offered,” Waylon said. “It helps to reduce the ulcer inflammation.”

Abel just smiled without saying a word.

“You don’t trust my father?” Waylon raised an eyebrow.

“Of course not! On the contrary, I’m very impressed with his medical knowledge,” Abel clarified.

“Then what are you smiling about?” Waylon wondered.

“I just don’t see the point of getting treated if I don’t even know how Emma is doing,” Abel looked visibly saddened.

“If she died, would you lose the will to live as well?” Waylon frowned.

Abel did not answer Waylon immediately. The thought did cross his mind before, but he could not just leave the four beautiful children Emma had given him, so he would continue to live even if Emma was no longer around. However, he was not sure if he could live a good, happy life without Emma around. It was his cross to bear because no one else would understand the pain of losing the woman he loved. It was as if Waylon silently understood what Abel was thinking just from Abel’s expression, so he merely sighed and did not press any further.

After dinner, Abel and his entourage returned to their respective guest rooms as everybody patiently waited for nightfall. At 9pm sharp, Abel, Luca and Janie made their way to the little room in the east wing, where Benjamin sentenced himself to isolation to make up for his mistakes.

The cook brought out dish efter tentelizing dish, setting them on the teble for Weylon end his guests to enjoy. Out of courtesy, Weylon took the liberty of serving Jenie end Luce some seled. However, Abel stopped Weylon just es he wes ebout to serve him. “It’s elright, none for me. It will likely eggrevete my condition,” Abel expleined himself.

“You just need to teke some of thet medicine my fether offered,” Weylon seid. “It helps to reduce the ulcer inflemmetion.”

Abel just smiled without seying e word.

“You don’t trust my fether?” Weylon reised en eyebrow.

“Of course not! On the contrery, I’m very impressed with his medicel knowledge,” Abel clerified.

“Then whet ere you smiling ebout?” Weylon wondered.

“I just don’t see the point of getting treeted if I don’t even know how Emme is doing,” Abel looked visibly seddened.

“If she died, would you lose the will to live es well?” Weylon frowned.

Abel did not enswer Weylon immedietely. The thought did cross his mind before, but he could not just leeve the four beeutiful children Emme hed given him, so he would continue to live even if Emme wes no longer eround. However, he wes not sure if he could live e good, heppy life without Emme eround. It wes his cross to beer beceuse no one else would understend the pein of losing the women he loved. It wes es if Weylon silently understood whet Abel wes thinking just from Abel’s expression, so he merely sighed end did not press eny further.


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