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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 469

Chapter 469 Lover of Life

Abel looked much better after finishing Janie’s soup. He stood up, thinking of going into Emma’s bedroom once again, but he was immediately paralyzed by the chronic pain in his abdomen. The pain was so excruciating that it drained all the color from his face in an instant and caused him to break out in cold sweat.

“Arrghhhh… d*mn it!” Abel cursed.

“Mr. Abel, are you alright?” Luca immediately went to his aid.

“Blerghhhhh…” Before he knew it, Abel had involuntarily vomited blood and soup all over the floor.

“Mr. Abel! Mr. Abel!” Luca exclaimed in shock as he rushed to sit Abel back down on the sofa.

“This is terrible. Why can’t my stomach just behave?” he moaned in pain.

“I’ll get a doctor. Hang in there, Mr. Abel!” Luca said before rushing out of the door.

Benjamin and Janie were chatting on the ground floor when Luca rushed in gasping for breath, shocking the both of them.

“Luca, what’s wrong?” Benjamin asked, getting on his feet.

“Mr. York, please call a doctor! Mr. Abel is not doing well!” Luca breathed panickily.

Wordlessly, Benjamin and Janie immediately rushed to the room upstairs only to find Abel lying weakly on the sofa. The room was filled with the unpleasant stench of vomit that covered the floor. The entire scene shook Benjamin and Janie to their core.

“Abel! Abel, how are you feeling?” Benjamin almost yelled, but Abel was not able to answer.

“Mr. Ryker’s stomach is probably bleeding profusely. Ben, call a doctor right now!” Janie urged him. Benjamin immediately called the doctors through an intercom machine.

Two minutes later, a few doctors and nurses arrived from the main hospital wing. They immediately carted Abel onto a stretcher and into an ambulance upon assessing his condition. Luca followed beside his employer the whole way.

“Janie, stay here with Emma. I’ll keep an eye on Abel,” Benjamin told Janie.

“Ok,” Janie nodded. “Quick, go with Luca! He doesn’t know anyone around here.”

The doctors immediately put Abel on an IV drip and painkillers. More than an hour later, the pain and bleeding had finally stopped, and Abel was conscious once again. As he took in his surroundings, he found himself in a hospital ward. Luca was by his bedside watching over him, while Benjamin was standing by the window. Abel finally realized he had passed out after throwing up and immediately tried to sit up.

“I can’t be sitting around here. I’m supposed to be by Emma’s side! I can’t leave her…” he grumbled as he tried to flip the bedsheets off him.


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