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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 472

Chapter 472 Nothing Great About Love

“Worryfree?” Benjamin said those three syallbles out loud.

“What’s free?” Luca did not understand what Benjamin just said, but Benjamin had already rushed into the nearest elevator. “Mr. Benjamin, what’s going on?” Luca yelled, but the elevator doors had already closed on him.

Luca rubbed his temples. “What’s wrong with everyone today? Am I the only normal one around here? Or is everyone else normal and I’m the one going crazy?!” Luca wondered out loud.

Benjamin practically sprinted back to the building where Emma was. He found Robert and Waylon Adelmar huddle together in the lounge with solemn expressions on their faces.

“Waylon,” Benjamin gasped for air. “Did you give Abel something?”

Waylon looked up at him blankly.

“Tell me,” Benjamin rushed forward. “Did you give Abel Worryfree?”

Abel was quiet for a moment before nodding. “Yes…”

“Waylon!!” Benjamin yelled as he grabbed Waylon by the collar. “How could you do that? He’ll lose all his feelings toward Emma! How is that fair to her?”

“Do you prefer him dead then?” Waylon countered. “Emma might not survive this. Do you want the four children to lose their father too?”

“But…” Benjamin argued.

“There’s no but’s,” Waylon declared. “Worryfree is the best anti-depressant developed by Father himself after years of research. It can cure people from heartbreak and remove unnecessarily feelings of hurt. This can only be good thing for Abel, no?”

“But you’ll completely remove all of Abel’s feelings toward Emma as well! They…” Benjamin said.

“I can’t worry about that right now,” Waylon cut him off. “That’s how Worryfree works.”

“But, son…” Robert Adelmar’s brows furrowed. “There’s no antidote for Worryfree. Abel will treat Emma like a stranger.”

“Father, can you guarantee Emma will come out of this alive?” Waylon questioned.

Robert remained silent. He could not guarantee such a thing.

“Based on the current situation, it is likely that Emma won’t survive, but Abel might. If he does survive, do we want him to live his life in pain and heartbreak or do we want to relieve him from the burden of heartbreak?”


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