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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 473

Chapter 473 The Medicine to Relieve Depression

"Mr. Abel," Lucas couldn't help it, "Ms. Loise..."

"Ms. Loise? You mean Emmeline?"

Abel frowned lightly, a little impatiently, "We're not married yet, don't call her that..."

"Thump…" Lucas sat on the ground.

Oh no, it's over, it's over!

Did their grandfather change his mind?

He suddenly lost his feelings for Emmeline, who was addicted to love.

It was calm, without a trace of attachment.

what happened?

Lucas felt like he was dreaming.

But it was a good thing for their father at the moment.

At least he can cooperate with the treatment and recuperate with peace of mind, otherwise, he might be torturing himself to death.

But where did his feelings for Emmeline go?

Why did it disappear?

Lucas was very smart.

Rubbing his head, he thought about the packet of medicine that Benjamin asked him to feed to Abel.

Benjamin said negatively, saving lives was the most important thing.

Was it the medicine that made their father cheerful, relieved from depression, and no longer have obsessions?

However, it was too scary.

Benjamin and Janie came in.

Abel's complexion improved a lot.

His handsome face was pale, and it became more and more charming and enchanting.

Seeing the two coming in, Lucas grabbed Benjamin.

"Mr. Benjamin, you are here. Can you lend me a cigarette?"

Before Benjamin could react, Lucas pushed Benjamin to the corridor.

Then the door was closed.

"What's wrong?" Benjamin frowned.

"Did Mr. Benjamin give our father medicine?"

Lucas said, "Our father seemed to have no obsession at once,"

"Well," Benjamin nodded, "I'm here to talk about this,"

When Lucas heard this, his heart sank.

"Mr. Benjamin, what was the effect of the medicine that you gave Abel?"

"In medical terms, it's for treating depression," Benjamin explained. "In layman's terms, it's for treating lovesickness,"

"Cure lovesickness?"

"Well," Benjamin nodded, "Abel has lost his interest in Emmeline."


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