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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 477

Chapter 477 Abel’s Heartache

"Grandpa didn't let us tell you that," Helios said, "Grandpa told us that it's a secret."

"There's also Uncle Adelmar," Endymion said, "we're not allowed to talk about it."

"In short, we're not supposed to talk about what happened on the island," Hesperus finally concluded, "We can't talk about it, otherwise Grandpa will get angry."

"But you've all talked about it just now," Timothy said, "Will Grandpa Benjamin be angry?"

"It probably won't happen now," said Helios. "Now that even Grandma knows about it, it's okay to talk about it."

"I think so too." Moonlight nodded.

"I agree." Hesperus also nodded seriously, "Daddy must have met Grandpa, so Grandpa agreed to tell us this secret."

Daisy was listening, wiping away her tears.

She already knew about Emmeline, but she could only keep it from the children.

Abel parked the car and walked in with big strides.

"Daddy!" His children rushed forward.

"Good boys!" Abel happily squatted down, opened his arms, and hugged his four precious sons.

The chubby little dumpling was hugged into her arms, warm and caring.

The corner of Abel's lips burst into a smile.

"Daddy, Daddy," Timothy said, "When will Mommy come back?"

"That's right, Daddy, we miss Mommy too." The Helios fluttered with big eyes.

"Daddy, will Mommy come back earlier?" Endymion was full of grievances.

Hesperus hugged Abel's neck, "Daddy tell Mummy that we are all waiting for her."



Abel furrowed his eyebrows.

Were the kids talking about Emmeline?

But why is that woman so ethereal to him?

It was too ethereal for him to grasp.

It's really strange, he did not feel anything about the person he was going to marry.

"Mummy..." Abel said calmly, "It's good to have Daddy with you."

"But we also miss Mommy," Timothy asked, "Grandpa Benjamin won't let her come back,"

"..." Abel thought for a while, and the image of Emmeline lying on the hospital bed appeared in his mind.

Although I have no feelings for her, she is their mother after all.

He could not afford to make the kids sad.


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