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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 476

Chapter 476 Finding a Match for Abel

"Oh, it's really hard for Abel." Lewis pinched his brows, "He likes Emmeline so much."

"There's nothing we can do now," Rosaline said, "If worse comes to worst, let's see which daughter is suitable, and match one up for Abel,"

"Well, that's also a plan," Lewis said, "At any rate, he's given up and has no feelings for Emmeline. It shouldn't be a problem to start a new relationship."

Lucas felt a lump in his throat.

He felt sorry for Emmeline by doing so.

But Emmeline was really hopeless, and for their father, this is the only way to go.

The dead are gone, and life continues.

Lucas explained the matter to Lewis and his wife and hurried back to Abel's.

On the way, he passed the Nightfall Cafe, and he saw that the shop was open.

But there was no time to park the car and see Lynn.

Abel processed the documents, and it was already dark.

He returned to the edge of the white clouds.

Kendra had prepared dinner.

The flavor was rich, and it also matched Abel's taste buds.

He has been taking the medicine Benjamin gave him.

His stomach problem has almost healed.

His appetite even got better.

He changed into his clothes and came downstairs, he was ready to have dinner.

Raising his eyes, he saw Evelyn coming out of the kitchen wearing an apron.

Abel's handsome face turned cold immediately.

"Evelyn? Why are you still here?"

Evelyn was dumbfounded.

"Mr.Abel," Kendra came out with a soup bowl, "I let Ms. Evelyn stay, and asked her to help me for a few more days."

"Are you busy?" Abel frowned.

Kendra was a little speechless.

Munchkin was not here, why would she be busy?

Abel turned around and went upstairs, and after a while, he changed into his suit and came down again.

Lucas stared blankly at Abel.

"Lucas," Abel said with a dark face, "We're going back to the mansion, and I won't be back for a while."


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