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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 496

Chapter 496 Abel’s Home

"Yeah. Let's head back now," said Abel as he carried her.

"Yeah. Let's head back now," said Abel as he carried her.

Evelyn hugged his neck and nuzzled against his shoulder. When they arrived at Abel's home, Kendra greeted them as usual.

Abel got out of his car and carried Evelyn out. Evelyn groaned, "Please be gentle, Abel, it hurts." She hugged his neck.

"Hang in there, we'll get you to your room soon," said Abel.

Kendra was stunned to see that. However, when Evelyn looked at Kendra, she scoffed at her. Abel explained when he noticed Kendra's stunned reaction, "Evelyn only got hurt because she needed to save Helios. Get the guest room ready for her."

"Yes sir." Kendra snapped out of her trance and went upstairs with her child. So, she only got hurt because of Helios? So, it wasn't because Mr. Abel has fallen for someone else? Kendra was relieved with that thought in mind. She did not want Abel to do anything that would ruin his relationship with Emmeline. So, she opened the guest room door while cradling her child in her arms. Abel carried Evelyn inside and placed her on the bed after that.

He told Kendra, "She will be staying here for a few days until she recovers. I want you to take care of her."

"Will do," replied Kendra.

"Sure." Abel left after that. He wanted to rush back to his room to change his clothes and get a shower. He felt uncomfortable carrying Evelyn around. He wanted to wash his clothes immediately.

Evelyn scoffed at Kendra after Abel left, "I don't think you expected Abel would want me back, right?"

"Mr. Abel is a grateful person. He obviously feels responsible for your injuries because you saved Helios."

"I will get him to fall for me. Just you wait." Evelyn scoffed.

"I don't think you should be a homewrecker. It's not good to do that," replied Kendra.


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