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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 497

Chapter 497 I Want You To Serve Me, Abel

"Just tell Kendra to do it for you." Abel was disgusted by her, so he placed her on the bed and placed a blanket over her. However, just as he was about to leave, Evelyn grabbed his wrist and said, "Am I always causing you trouble, Abel?"

"It's fine." Abel pulled her hand off and replied impatiently, "I don't want you to move around when you're hurt. Just tell Kendra what you want."

"Alright, I know. Thank you, Abel," replied Evelyn.

Abel looked bitter when he got out of her room. All he wanted was to take a shower. He felt filthier after the interaction.

"You heard what Abel said, Kendra. He wants you to serve me."

"Then you should stay in bed and call me when you need anything," replied Kendra.

"I want a glass of water right now."

"I'll get you a glass of water then." Kendra handed a glass of water to Evelyn.

Evelyn took a sip and said, "It's too hot."

"Just leave it out on the table then."

"But I'm thirsty."

So, Kendra grabbed her glass and added some cold water into it.

Evelyn took another sip and said, "It's too cold."

So, Kendra took the glass and added some hot water into it.

Evelyn took the cup and splashed it on Kendra's face as she said, "Are you trying to burn me?"

"Ah!" Kendra was caught off guard by that. Fortunately for her, the water was not hot and she was only wet from the splash. However, this made Kendra feel so bad that she could cry. Suddenly, she heard her child crying in her room. Before she could say anything to Evelyn, she rushed to her son.

"Hmph. Now you should know what it's like to cross me!"

Evelyn's ankle felt better the following day and was somewhat able to walk. Abel returned home for lunch the following day. He told Kendra, "You can send Evelyn her food."

So, Kendra brought Evelyn her food. However, she came downstairs with her food soon after. Abel frowned and asked, "What's the matter? Is she not hungry?"

"No," replied Kendra as she continued, "She said she wanted to eat in the dining room."

Suddenly, a scream could be heard coming from upstairs. Abel rushed out of the room and noticed Evelyn had fallen on the stairs. "How could you be so careless? Why didn't you want to stay and eat in your room?"

"Abel." Evelyn cried and said, "I didn't want to trouble Kendra. I just wanted to help her clean up when I'm done."

"That isn't your job!" Abel picked her up and placed her on a chair.

"I'm sorry," Evelyn sobbed end seid, "It's my feult for elweys troubling you."

"It's fine, just eet," replied Abel.

"Yeeh," Evelyn nodded.

Kendre pleced her food in front of her es Evelyn ete in silence.

"Kendre, I need you to teke cere of her when I'm not here," seid Able.


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