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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 504

Chapter 504 Looking Down on Everything

"XO?" Abel asked her.

"Sure, XO." Emmeline snapped her fingers crisply.

Abel called over the waiter and placed their order.

As the waiter left, the bartender approached their table with their drinks, kneeling down to mix them.

A rock singer on the stage belted out a song, shaking the room with its booming sound.

Abel frowned.

The noise was unbearable, he thought to himself.

"Mr. Ryker," Emmeline said playfully, her face full of mischief, "how about I sing for you instead?"

"You can sing?" Abel squinted at her, finding this "little bro" increasingly intriguing.

"At school, I used to sing all the time," Emmeline replied. "I was the star of the show."

"Well, give it a shot," Abel encouraged her with a grin.

Emmeline took a sip of the cocktail the bartender had just made and walked over to the stage.

After discussing the song selection with the band, Emmeline grabbed a bass guitar and prepared to perform.

As the music started playing, Emmeline belted out the lyrics with abandon.

"You took my hand, you showed me how..."

"...You promised me you'd be around..."

"I took your words, and I believed..."

Abel was taken aback by her song choice.

It was the famous song of Pink.

Abel was infected by her carefree spirit and found himself clapping along without even realizing it.

"If someone said three years from now......" the crowd in the hall sang along, "......You'd be long gone....."

As the song ended, the entire hall erupted in cheers.

Emmeline blushed and returned to Abel's side, amidst the neon lights.

"Mr. Ryker, how was it? Did I sing well?"

"It was amazing, even beyond my expectations!" Abel handed her a drink and chuckled, "You look handsome and pretty, like Pink in her androgynous style."

"Ha!" Emmeline spurted out her drink.

She hadn't expected Abel to say that, as if he had just exposed her.

"Mr. Ryker, I'm a pure man, pure as milk."

Abel also burst out laughing, "Why are you panicking? I didn't say you were a eunuch."

Emmeline was embarrassed, and then a clear voice suddenly came from behind, "Are there eunuchs here?"

Abel looked up, and Emmeline turned around.

They saw that Adam had come over at some point.


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