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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 503

Chapter 503 I’m Not Interested In Relationships

"The line accidentally got cut off earlier. Where did you say you wanted to go?" Abel asked "Emmett".

Emmeline pursed her lips and stared up at the 89-story building. "I said, why isn't it appropriate for me to go to the Imperial Palace?" Obviously, she was unable to see Abel standing at the window watching her, but if he could see her from way up there on the 89th floor, his eyesight was truly incredible.

"The Imperial Palace is a mixed bag of decent people and society scum," Abel replied, still looking at the tiny gray matchbox on the plaza that was the Bugatti. "It's not advisable for fresh-faced boys to go there."

This left Emmeline at a loss for words for a few seconds. "But you'll be with me, right, Mr. Ryker? I'll just look around the place with you; wouldn't that be ok?"

Abel gave this due consideration and concluded that since this brat was a young man after all, there was no harm in taking him there just for a look. "Alright then," he replied. "I'll be down right away."

"Okay! I'm waiting in the car, Mr. Ryker!" Emmeline ended the call, grinning broadly.

This infuriating man was quite approachable and warm, after all.

About ten minutes later, Abel exited the building, his suit jacket tossed over one shoulder.

"Mr. Ryker!" Emmeline stuck an arm out the window of the car and waved enthusiastically. "Over here!"

Abel headed over and scrutinized the good-looking youth in the driver's seat. Emmett was still dressed entirely in black, from his silk shirt to his well-tailored pants. His white tie was the only splash of color in his outfit. All in all, he was extremely personable, with his clean-cut appearance and neat mustache.

Abel could not help smiling faintly. Having a youngster like Emmett tagging around his heels like a little brother would be rather amusing.

"What are you smiling at, Mr. Ryker?" Emmeline blew at the ends of her mustache, looking decidedly roguish.

"Nothing," Abel answered. "Go ahead. I'll follow you in my car once my chauffeur drives out of the parking lot."

"Alright," Emmeline said sunnily. "I'll see you at the Imperial Palace then."

"Mm." Abel nodded. "Be a little more careful on the road; don't drive too aggressively."

"Okay, Mr. Ryker!" Emmeline's gray Bugatti zipped out of the plaza, heedless of Abel's warning.

"Brat," Abel chuckled, shaking his head.

It was around half an hour later when Emmeline arrived at the Imperial Palace and parked the Bugatti in the basement parking lot. Abel's Rolls-Royce followed shortly after, the chauffeur letting Abel and Luca out of the car before going to park.

"Where should we go now, Mr. Ryker?" Emmeline strode over, one hand slipped into her pocket.

"Let's head to Section A," Abel decided. "The services offered there are less complex."

Emmeline knew that by "less complex services," he meant that there were no "special escort services" or the like. "Very well, I'll go with what you suggest, Mr. Ryker." She followed Abel into the lift that went to Section A.

After they exited and went down a walkway, they were abruptly confronted by a scene of riotous nightlife, with people hustling and bustling everywhere.


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