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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 512

Chapter 512 Madame Ryker Catches Them Red-Handed

"Hmm," Abel nodded. "Emmett's fallen asleep, and I'm here with him."

Evelyn choked up at the news.

Abel was going to stay here with that... little guy?

Stamping her foot in anger, Evelyn stormed off and hailed a cab, heading straight for Levan Mansion.

Meanwhile, Abel turned back towards the stairs. After the commotion earlier, he didn't want to risk waking up "Emmett".

Returning to the guest room, Abel checked on the little guy who was sleeping soundly.

With delicate and soft features, the child's face was almost like that of a little girl.

Smiling to himself, Abel couldn't help but extend his finger and pinch the child's cheek.

The skin was indeed smooth and delicate, even more so than that of a little girl.

"Abel," Emmeline turned over in her sleep and murmured softly.

The sound of her voice sent shivers down Abel's spine, leaving him with an indescribable feeling of contentment.

It was as if his lonely soul had been soothed by a soft, gentle touch.

A deep sense of affection swelled up within him.


He couldn't resist the urge to pick up "Emmett" and hold him close, but he felt ridiculous for even having such thoughts.

Could it be possible that he had fallen for this young boy?

Just as he was pondering these thoughts, Emmeline sneezed suddenly.

He must have gotten chilly.

Abel quickly leaned down and tucked her in, making sure she was warm and cozy.

Emmeline's arm reached out and wrapped around Abel's solid waist.

Abel tried to gently push her away, but he didn't want to wake her up either.

He ended up lying next to her, with one arm around her.

"Abel..." Emmeline snuggled closer to him, curling up like a little kitten.

Abel held her close, planting a kiss on her forehead, and the two of them drifted off to sleep.

Downstairs, the first floor had closed for the night, and Sam had returned to her room.

She had originally planned for Luca to stay in one of the guest rooms on the third floor.

However, Luca had decided to sleep in the Rolls-Royce for the night.

As the sun streamed in through the windshield, Luca stirred awake.

Checking his wristwatch, he realized it was already seven in the morning.

He rubbed his bleary eyes, feeling like he had slept for too long.

Blaming it on the luxurious interior of the Rolls-Royce, which was just too comfortable.

As he was about to open the car door and step out, he noticed a stretch Lincoln pulling into the parking lot.

Luca recognized it as Lewis's car.

As the Lincoln pulled into the parking lot and parked, Rosaline got out followed by Evelyn.

Oh no!

Luca thought to himself, this must be Rosaline coming to catch Abel and "Emmett"!

It was all Evelyn's fault, she must have told Madame Ryker something to set this up.

Luca pulled out his phone to call Abel, only to realize his phone was dead.

He forgot to charge it last night.


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