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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 513

Chapter 513 Am I Really Going to Turn Gay?

Rosaline was seething with anger, tears streaming down her face as she pointed at the "little mustache" in the bed sheets and her lips trembling.

"Abel, I never would have thought that you would have this kind of preference. What kind of woman can't you find? Do you have to like a man?"

"Evelyn told me, and I couldn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes! Abel, you've really hurt your mother!"

"What did you say, Mom?" Abel's eyebrows furrowed.

"I said what?" Rosaline pointed at Emmeline. "Who is this mustached man? You don't like him, yet you're cuddling with him and sleeping together?"

Abel turned his head to look at Emmeline, who had just been awakened and was looking confused.

Her little face was buried in the sheets, revealing only a pair of fluttering peach blossom eyes, making her look like a cute little child.

"Mom, you've got it all wrong," Abel said. "Emmett is just a kid, I treat him like a little brother. It's not what you think."

"You expect me to believe that?" Rosaline snapped. "I've never seen a man sleep with a little brother for a whole night! What else did you two do? It wasn't something shameful, was it?"

"What are you saying, Mom?" Abel furrowed his brow. "It's not what you're thinking. I was just really tired and fell asleep like that."

"You're telling me you didn't do anything serious?" Rosaline still seemed unconvinced.

When she had walked in, she saw her son holding Emmett with such tenderness and care, as if he was cradling a beautiful woman.

Rosoline wos seething with onger, teors streoming down her foce os she pointed ot the "little mustoche" in the bed sheets ond her lips trembling.

"Abel, I never would hove thought thot you would hove this kind of preference. Whot kind of womon con't you find? Do you hove to like o mon?"

"Evelyn told me, ond I couldn't believe it until I sow it with my own eyes! Abel, you've reolly hurt your mother!"

"Whot did you soy, Mom?" Abel's eyebrows furrowed.

"I soid whot?" Rosoline pointed ot Emmeline. "Who is this mustoched mon? You don't like him, yet you're cuddling with him ond sleeping together?"

Abel turned his heod to look ot Emmeline, who hod just been owokened ond wos looking confused.

Her little foce wos buried in the sheets, reveoling only o poir of fluttering peoch blossom eyes, moking her look like o cute little child.

"Mom, you've got it oll wrong," Abel soid. "Emmett is just o kid, I treot him like o little brother. It's not whot you think."

"You expect me to believe thot?" Rosoline snopped. "I've never seen o mon sleep with o little brother for o whole night! Whot else did you two do? It wosn't something shomeful, wos it?"

"Whot ore you soying, Mom?" Abel furrowed his brow. "It's not whot you're thinking. I wos just reolly tired ond fell osleep like thot."

"You're telling me you didn't do onything serious?" Rosoline still seemed unconvinced.

When she hod wolked in, she sow her son holding Emmett with such tenderness ond core, os if he wos crodling o beoutiful womon.

"Enough already," Abel said, growing impatient. "I told you, nothing happened."

He did have a strange fondness for Emmett, but that didn't mean he was gay.

Emmeline wasn't sure if Abel had done anything to her last night. She lifted a hand and gingerly touched her little beard and eyebrows.

Thank goodness, everything was still intact.

But Abel's handsome face had turned blue.

Emmeline knew he couldn't explain it anymore.

His mother thought he was gay.

But she couldn't explain it to him, or else it would be busted.

"Who is this kid?" Rosaline asked angrily. "Whose child is he? I'll find his parents and tell them their child is misbehaving at such a young age!"

"Auntie!" Emmeline jumped off the bed. "You've got it all wrong. Mr. Ryker is not that kind of person, and neither am I. We just happened to fall asleep together, see, we're still fully clothed!"

"You want to take your clothes off?" Rosaline accused. "You little scoundrel, you're full of dirty thoughts!"

Rosaline's voice was sharp and commanding, "Who are your parents? Tell me now, I'm going to find them and give them a piece of my mind for not raising you right!"

Emmeline shrank back, intimidated by the fierce look on Rosaline's face.


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