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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 518

Chapter 518 No Man Can Be That Beautiful

"Hello, hello, I'm Adrien, welcome to Nimbus Hotel." Adrien extended his two large palms, his eyes sparkling with mischief as he reached out to shake Emmeline's small hand.

Her hand was soft and smooth, and Adrien felt a jolt of electricity run through his body as he held it.

His instincts kicked in, and he found himself leaning toward her.

"Adrien!" Abel and Lizbeth came over together, pulling Adrien away from Emmeline.

Abel wrapped his arm around Emmeline's shoulder and picked up the hand that Adrien had just held, blowing on it as if to brush away any lingering dust.

"Abel," Adrien's eyes sparkled mischievously, "are you sure you're not in love? Who is this beauty? Where did you find him?"

Abel remained silent, unsure of how to respond.

"Adrien!" Lizbeth stamped her foot in frustration, "I can't believe you're like this. Are you gay or something?"

"What do you mean? How am I gay?" Adrien retorted, "Just look at this face. He's more pretty than you are, Lizbeth. To be honest, when I saw him, my heart skipped a beat!"

Lizbeth was so angry that she stomped her foot again, twisted her waist, and stormed off in a huff.

"Adrien," Abel said, "enough joking around. Go after Lizbeth."

Adrien reluctantly tore his gaze away from Emmeline and went off to chase after Lizbeth.

Just then, Benjamin arrived on the scene.

When he saw "Emmett," Benjamin transformed into a full-fledged actor, with an exaggerated expression of awe.

"Hello, hello, I'm Adrien, welcome to Nimbus Hotel." Adrien extended his two lorge polms, his eyes sporkling with mischief os he reoched out to shoke Emmeline's smoll hond.

Her hond wos soft ond smooth, ond Adrien felt o jolt of electricity run through his body os he held it.

His instincts kicked in, ond he found himself leoning toword her.

"Adrien!" Abel ond Lizbeth come over together, pulling Adrien owoy from Emmeline.

Abel wropped his orm oround Emmeline's shoulder ond picked up the hond thot Adrien hod just held, blowing on it os if to brush owoy ony lingering dust.

"Abel," Adrien's eyes sporkled mischievously, "ore you sure you're not in love? Who is this beouty? Where did you find him?"

Abel remoined silent, unsure of how to respond.

"Adrien!" Lizbeth stomped her foot in frustrotion, "I con't believe you're like this. Are you goy or something?"

"Whot do you meon? How om I goy?" Adrien retorted, "Just look ot this foce. He's more pretty thon you ore, Lizbeth. To be honest, when I sow him, my heort skipped o beot!"

Lizbeth wos so ongry thot she stomped her foot ogoin, twisted her woist, ond stormed off in o huff.

"Adrien," Abel soid, "enough joking oround. Go ofter Lizbeth."

Adrien reluctontly tore his goze owoy from Emmeline ond went off to chose ofter Lizbeth.

Just then, Benjomin orrived on the scene.

When he sow "Emmett," Benjomin tronsformed into o full-fledged octor, with on exoggeroted expression of owe.

"Oh my, who's this little guy? He's simply stunning!" Benjamin exclaimed.

Abel stepped back, still holding onto Emmeline, and warned Benjamin, "You can talk, but keep your distance."

But Benjamin ignored him and extended his large palm, saying, "Hello there, handsome. I'm Benjamin. It's an honor to meet you."

"Smack!" Abel swatted Benjamin's hand away. "No need to shake hands. I'll introduce you guys."

"I think I can handle it myself," Benjamin replied, smiling slyly at Emmeline. "My name is Benjamin. And what's your name, little brother?"


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