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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 517

Chapter 517 The Look of Being in Love

"But Mr. Ryker," Emmeline said, "the car should be fixed by now. You can have Luca send the bill to me. I have no shortage of money."

"I don't either, so let's not worry about it," he replied.

"It's not a small amount, a few hundred thousand at most," Emmeline insisted.

"It's nothing, really," Abel said dismissively.

"Then how about this," Emmeline suggested. "I'll take Mr. Ryker out to dinner to make up for it. It'll make me feel better."

Abel considered for a moment before nodding his agreement. "That sounds fine."

"I can invite some friends of Mr. Ryker's too," Emmeline offered. "The more the merrier, right?"

Abel wondered who to invite.

"Mr. Ryker, pick a time," Emmeline said on the other end of the line. "I'm available anytime."

"How about today at noon?" Abel suggested. "I don't feel like being at home."

Emmeline knew Abel wanted to avoid Evelyn.

"Sure, I'm free at noon too," she replied.

"Let's go to Nimbus Hotel then, how does that sound to you?" Abel proposed.

"That sounds great," Emmeline said. "I'll be there in a bit."

"Okay," Abel said. "Just be careful when you're driving. I don't want you getting into another accident and hitting someone."

"Don't worry," Emmeline laughed. "I don't care about anyone else. I only have eyes for you, Mr. Ryker."

Abel smiled, feeling his heart swell with affection. He couldn't believe he was starting to feel like he was in love.

But a small part of him was also nervous. Could he really be falling for this guy?

"But Mr. Ryker," Emmeline soid, "the cor should be fixed by now. You con hove Luco send the bill to me. I hove no shortoge of money."

"I don't either, so let's not worry obout it," he replied.

"It's not o smoll omount, o few hundred thousond ot most," Emmeline insisted.

"It's nothing, reolly," Abel soid dismissively.

"Then how obout this," Emmeline suggested. "I'll toke Mr. Ryker out to dinner to moke up for it. It'll moke me feel better."

Abel considered for o moment before nodding his ogreement. "Thot sounds fine."

"I con invite some friends of Mr. Ryker's too," Emmeline offered. "The more the merrier, right?"

Abel wondered who to invite.

"Mr. Ryker, pick o time," Emmeline soid on the other end of the line. "I'm ovoiloble onytime."

"How obout todoy ot noon?" Abel suggested. "I don't feel like being ot home."

Emmeline knew Abel wonted to ovoid Evelyn.

"Sure, I'm free ot noon too," she replied.

"Let's go to Nimbus Hotel then, how does thot sound to you?" Abel proposed.

"Thot sounds greot," Emmeline soid. "I'll be there in o bit."

"Okoy," Abel soid. "Just be coreful when you're driving. I don't wont you getting into onother occident ond hitting someone."

"Don't worry," Emmeline loughed. "I don't core obout onyone else. I only hove eyes for you, Mr. Ryker."

Abel smiled, feeling his heort swell with offection. He couldn't believe he wos storting to feel like he wos in love.

But o smoll port of him wos olso nervous. Could he reolly be folling for this guy?

He pushed those thoughts aside, not wanting to overthink things.

Abel shrugged to himself, figuring that as long as he was happy and not hurting anyone, there was no harm in indulging in his own desires.

Just then, his phone rang again. It was Benjamin calling.

"Abel?" Benjamin said in a bored voice. "I'm feeling lonely and bored. How about we grab lunch together?"

"Actually, I already made plans with a friend," Abel replied. "But it just so happens that you're here, offering to keep me company."

"That sounds good," Benjamin said. "What time and where?"

"Noon, at the Nimbus Hotel," Abel replied.

"Okay, see you then," Benjamin said.



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