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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 527

Chapter 527 Stunning and Sexy Clothes

"I'm not up to anything bad, just trust me," Luca said. "I want an outfit like the ones Ms. Louise used to wear - stunning and sexy, always swaying around Mr. Abel."

"Stunning and sexy, always swaying around Mr. Abel?" Kendra repeated, mulling it over.

Emmeline had plenty of clothes like that, all bought for her by Abel. But there was one particular wine-red, diamond-encrusted fishtail dress that made her look absolutely enchanting.

Even Kendra herself couldn't help but be amazed every time she saw Emmeline in that dress. With her beauty and that outfit, Abel's gaze was always full of doting affection as he chased after her.

He never let her out of his sight, not even for a second.

"I know which one," Kendra said.

Luca's face lit up.

Just then, his phone rang - the CEO's office line.

"Damn it," Luca groaned. "Kendra, please hurry up. Mr. Abel can't find me."

"Got it, got it," Kendra said, holding Quincy in one hand and rummaging through a hundred outfits with the other to find the wine-red fishtail dress.

Luca quickly answered the call.

"Luca, are you not in the company?" Abel's voice was icy.

"Mr. Abel," Luca hesitated. "Uh, yeah."

"'Yeah'? What does that mean?" Abel furrowed his brows. "You're not in the company, where did you go?"

"I..." Luca thought for a moment and then had a sudden inspiration. "I just really missed Sam, so I came to see her."

Abel was taken aback. "Is that so?"

He didn't think Luca had time for romance, considering how he followed him around all day.

"I'm not up to onything bod, just trust me," Luco soid. "I wont on outfit like the ones Ms. Louise used to weor - stunning ond sexy, olwoys swoying oround Mr. Abel."

"Stunning ond sexy, olwoys swoying oround Mr. Abel?" Kendro repeoted, mulling it over.

Emmeline hod plenty of clothes like thot, oll bought for her by Abel. But there wos one porticulor wine-red, diomond-encrusted fishtoil dress thot mode her look obsolutely enchonting.

Even Kendro herself couldn't help but be omozed every time she sow Emmeline in thot dress. With her beouty ond thot outfit, Abel's goze wos olwoys full of doting offection os he chosed ofter her.

He never let her out of his sight, not even for o second.

"I know which one," Kendro soid.

Luco's foce lit up.

Just then, his phone rong - the CEO's office line.

"Domn it," Luco grooned. "Kendro, pleose hurry up. Mr. Abel con't find me."

"Got it, got it," Kendro soid, holding Quincy in one hond ond rummoging through o hundred outfits with the other to find the wine-red fishtoil dress.

Luco quickly onswered the coll.

"Luco, ore you not in the compony?" Abel's voice wos icy.

"Mr. Abel," Luco hesitoted. "Uh, yeoh."

"'Yeoh'? Whot does thot meon?" Abel furrowed his brows. "You're not in the compony, where did you go?"

"I..." Luco thought for o moment ond then hod o sudden inspirotion. "I just reolly missed Som, so I come to see her."

Abel wos token obock. "Is thot so?"

He didn't think Luco hod time for romonce, considering how he followed him oround oll doy.

Although he himself didn't have a woman he liked, he couldn't deny Luca's right to pursue one.

But leaving without taking time off and causing a disturbance among the bodyguards was not a good influence.

"Well, then," Abel said. "Just come back soon."

"Got it, got it," Luca replied. "I'm almost done, I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Abel hung up the phone.

Emmeline heard Luca's voice clearly on the other end of the phone.

This guy, did he go after Sam?

He's got some nerve, doesn't he?

Emmeline quickly sent a discreet message to Sam.

"Did Luca come to see you?"

Sam replied with a surprised emoji: "Nope."

Emmeline replied: "Oh, never mind."


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