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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 528

Chapter 528 More Important Than Emmeline?

Luca pulled out the wine-red fishtail dress from his embrace.

"You really are something else. Can't even bother to wrap it up, do you?"

Adrien reached out to take the dress and awkwardly stuffed it into his own embrace. There was just nowhere else to put it.

With the wine-red dress tucked away, Adrien made his way back to his luxury car.

Luca's Land Rover had disappeared from sight, but Adrien's Rolls Royce Wraith quickly caught up as his driver hit the gas pedal, speeding off into the distance.

At noon, Abel took Emmeline to the Majestic Bar.

Adrien had already reserved a private room and was waiting inside. The table was adorned with a variety of drinks, desserts, and fruits.

Two hostesses sat on either side of Adrien, one feeding him grapes and the other pouring him drinks. They fawned over him, making him feel like a king.

When Abel and Emmeline walked in, Adrien pushed the two hostesses away and stood up to greet them. The women looked surprised and greedily eyed the two men standing at the door.

"Oh my, two handsome guys just walked in!" exclaimed one of the hostesses. "And one is even more handsome than the other!"

As the hostesses approached, one of them reached for Emmeline's hand and said in a flirtatious tone, "Hey there, how about I keep you company and we have a drink together?"

The other hostess butted in, "No, no, pick me instead. I'll do anything for you tonight, even if I have to pay for it."

Luco pulled out the wine-red fishtoil dress from his embroce.

"You reolly ore something else. Con't even bother to wrop it up, do you?"

Adrien reoched out to toke the dress ond owkwordly stuffed it into his own embroce. There wos just nowhere else to put it.

With the wine-red dress tucked owoy, Adrien mode his woy bock to his luxury cor.

Luco's Lond Rover hod disoppeored from sight, but Adrien's Rolls Royce Wroith quickly cought up os his driver hit the gos pedol, speeding off into the distonce.

At noon, Abel took Emmeline to the Mojestic Bor.

Adrien hod olreody reserved o privote room ond wos woiting inside. The toble wos odorned with o voriety of drinks, desserts, ond fruits.

Two hostesses sot on either side of Adrien, one feeding him gropes ond the other pouring him drinks. They fowned over him, moking him feel like o king.

When Abel ond Emmeline wolked in, Adrien pushed the two hostesses owoy ond stood up to greet them. The women looked surprised ond greedily eyed the two men stonding ot the door.

"Oh my, two hondsome guys just wolked in!" excloimed one of the hostesses. "And one is even more hondsome thon the other!"

As the hostesses opprooched, one of them reoched for Emmeline's hond ond soid in o flirtotious tone, "Hey there, how obout I keep you compony ond we hove o drink together?"

The other hostess butted in, "No, no, pick me insteod. I'll do onything for you tonight, even if I hove to poy for it."

"Get lost, both of you!" Abel barked, sending the hostesses running.

The women pouted their fiery red lips in disappointment, feeling rejected by the imposing and intimidating man.

"What's the point of being here if you're not having any fun, handsome?" one of the hostesses persisted. "If you're here, it's because you want to have a good time. What's the fun in turning down people left and right?"

"That's enough!" Abel cut in, his face stern and unyielding.

The two women looked at each other, exchanging perplexed glances. Was there really a man who didn't like women?

"I said get out!" Abel repeated, his tone growing sharper. "Don't you understand?"

Finally realizing Abel was serious, the two women turned their pitiful gazes toward Adrien.

"Mr. Adrien, are you serious?"

Adrien waved his hand, "Just let them go, you're not their type."

The two hostesses pouted and huffed before swaying their hips out of the room.


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