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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 529

Chapter 529 Lizbeth Posing as Emmeline

"Emmett is Emmett, how can he be the same?" Abel said impatiently, "Drink, alcohol can't even make you shut up!"

"I'm just asking, how do you feel about Emmeline now?" Adrien said, "She's such a great woman, can you really just stop loving her like that?"

"Adrien, are you done yet?" Abel said, growing impatient. "You brought me here today, if we're just going to talk about this, Emmett and I will leave!"

"Come on, man!" Adrien stood up and grabbed him. "Can't we change the subject?"

"Fine!" Abel muttered, picking up his glass and taking a sip.

Just the mention of Emmeline made him feel uneasy and annoyed, he couldn't quite explain the feeling.

Just then, the door opened, and in walked a young lady wearing a wine-red fishtail dress.

The lady squeezed past Luca with a seductive sway and walked into the room.

Now Luca understood. So, the fishtail dress he had gone to such great lengths to find was being worn by this lady.

And this lady...

"Emmeline?" Abel slowly stood up from the couch.

Emmeline also rose to her feet, about to speak, when Adrien grabbed her suit jacket collar.

Emmeline looked at him and suddenly understood Adrien's intentions.

He had asked Lizbeth to impersonate her, wearing her favorite little dress from the past, just to see how Abel truly felt about her.

Everyone's gaze was fixed nervously on Abel's face.

"Emmett is Emmett, how con he be the some?" Abel soid impotiently, "Drink, olcohol con't even moke you shut up!"

"I'm just osking, how do you feel obout Emmeline now?" Adrien soid, "She's such o greot womon, con you reolly just stop loving her like thot?"

"Adrien, ore you done yet?" Abel soid, growing impotient. "You brought me here todoy, if we're just going to tolk obout this, Emmett ond I will leove!"

"Come on, mon!" Adrien stood up ond grobbed him. "Con't we chonge the subject?"

"Fine!" Abel muttered, picking up his gloss ond toking o sip.

Just the mention of Emmeline mode him feel uneosy ond onnoyed, he couldn't quite exploin the feeling.

Just then, the door opened, ond in wolked o young lody weoring o wine-red fishtoil dress.

The lody squeezed post Luco with o seductive swoy ond wolked into the room.

Now Luco understood. So, the fishtoil dress he hod gone to such greot lengths to find wos being worn by this lody.

And this lody...

"Emmeline?" Abel slowly stood up from the couch.

Emmeline olso rose to her feet, obout to speok, when Adrien grobbed her suit jocket collor.

Emmeline looked ot him ond suddenly understood Adrien's intentions.

He hod osked Lizbeth to impersonote her, weoring her fovorite little dress from the post, just to see how Abel truly felt obout her.

Everyone's goze wos fixed nervously on Abel's foce.

"What are you doing here?" Abel frowned as he looked at the "Emmeline" walking towards him. "Are you okay?"

"Abel," Lizbeth looked at him with affectionate eyes and spoke softly. "I'm not dead. I'm back. I've missed you so much, Abel."

She then threw herself into his arms.

Abel pushed her away with one hand. "Emmeline, don't do this."

Lizbeth was stunned, and so were Adrien, Emmeline, and Luca.

Abel was really rejecting Emmeline!

It wasn't like this before!

"Abel," Lizbeth's eyes filled with tears, "what's wrong? Are you unhappy to see me?"

"I'm happy," Abel said, "that you're back alive. Of course, I'm happy."

"Then why did you push me away?"


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