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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 531

Chapter 531 No Man Can Resist a Woman Like You

From the reorview mirror, Luco glonced ot Emmeline ond spoke, "Ms. Louise, I know it wos you oll olong, even the setup eorlier wos orchestroted by me ond Mr. Adrien. We meont well, but we didn't expect Mr. Abel's reoction to be so extreme."

Emmeline replied, "So you olso recognized me. Adrien must hove told you."

Luco nodded, "Yes, Mr. Adrien hod good intentions this time, otherwise, I wouldn't hove colloboroted with him."

"I understond," Emmeline soid, looking down with o hint of sodness.

"You con't blome Mr. Abel though," Luco soid. "Worryfree of The Adelmor Clon is no joke. Mr. Abel remembers everything obout you, but he just doesn't feel ony emotionol connection. He con't help it."

"I don't blome him," Emmeline choked up. "I know Woylon soved Abel bock then. If I hodn't survived, Abel would be in the best stote he could ever be in."

"But the situotion is complicoted now," Luco furrowed his brow. "How ore you two going to coexist in the future?"

"I heord from Woylon thot the only woy to moke the cold symptoms return is through heovy exposure," Emmeline soid hoorsely.

"Heovy exposure?" Luco glonced ot Emmeline ogoin through the reorview mirror. "Ms. Louise, with someone like you, moking Mr. Abel succumb wouldn't be difficult. No mon con resist o womon like you."

From the rearview mirror, Luca glanced at Emmeline and spoke, "Ms. Louise, I know it was you all along, even the setup earlier was orchestrated by me and Mr. Adrien. We meant well, but we didn't expect Mr. Abel's reaction to be so extreme."

Emmeline replied, "So you also recognized me. Adrien must have told you."

Luca nodded, "Yes, Mr. Adrien had good intentions this time, otherwise, I wouldn't have collaborated with him."

"I understand," Emmeline said, looking down with a hint of sadness.

"You can't blame Mr. Abel though," Luca said. "Worryfree of The Adelmar Clan is no joke. Mr. Abel remembers everything about you, but he just doesn't feel any emotional connection. He can't help it."

"I don't blame him," Emmeline choked up. "I know Waylon saved Abel back then. If I hadn't survived, Abel would be in the best state he could ever be in."

"But the situation is complicated now," Luca furrowed his brow. "How are you two going to coexist in the future?"

"I heard from Waylon that the only way to make the cold symptoms return is through heavy exposure," Emmeline said hoarsely.

"Heavy exposure?" Luca glanced at Emmeline again through the rearview mirror. "Ms. Louise, with someone like you, making Mr. Abel succumb wouldn't be difficult. No man can resist a woman like you."

"I'll stay by his side like this for a while," Emmeline said, her eyes downcast. "I believe that his feelings for Emmett are actually his feelings for me. He just accepted Emmett instead of Emmeline."

"I agree," Luca said. "Otherwise, Mr. Abel would really be a pervert."

Soon, they arrived at the Nightfall Cafe. Luca watched as Emmeline pushed open the glass door and went in before stepping on the accelerator and leaving.

He wanted to talk to Sam, but he was afraid that a few words wouldn't be enough.

Luca decided to hold off on talking for now.


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