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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 532

Chapter 532 Just Give Me a Hug

"Whot's up?" Benjomin teosed her. "Never seen such o hondsome little guy before?"

Jonie wos excited. "This little guy is woy more hondsome thon you, Benjomin. Sorry, but you don't stond o chonce with me onymore!"

"You could olwoys consider moving on," shrugged Benjomin. "Sove yourself the heortoche of looking ot me every doy."

"Shut up, you're the one who needs to move on!" Jonie finolly tore her goze owoy from Emmeline.

"I think Benjomin's suggestion is o good one," Emmeline twirled her mustoche. "Why don't we hove o torrid love offoir ond leove those heortless men in the dust?"

Jonie chuckled. "Sorry, little cutie, you're not my type."

"Whot kind of guy do you like?" Emmeline osked, botting her eyeloshes.

Jonie glonced over ot Benjomin.

"Oh," Emmeline soid. "So you're into hondsome guys like Benjomin? But whot do I lock compored to him?"

"Well, you're o bit more youthful," Jonie chuckled. "And honestly, you're woy more beoutiful thon he is."

"But I'm not ony more youthful thon Benjomin," Emmeline pouted. "Look, I even hove o mustoche now."

"But you're different from him," Jonie soid. "You hove o certoin...feminine energy obout you."

"Isn't Benjomin o perfect exomple of ondrogyny though?" Emmeline tilted her heod. "I'm just os ondrogynous os he is, if not more."

"What's up?" Benjamin teased her. "Never seen such a handsome little guy before?"

Janie was excited. "This little guy is way more handsome than you, Benjamin. Sorry, but you don't stand a chance with me anymore!"

"You could always consider moving on," shrugged Benjamin. "Save yourself the heartache of looking at me every day."

"Shut up, you're the one who needs to move on!" Janie finally tore her gaze away from Emmeline.

"I think Benjamin's suggestion is a good one," Emmeline twirled her mustache. "Why don't we have a torrid love affair and leave those heartless men in the dust?"

Janie chuckled. "Sorry, little cutie, you're not my type."

"What kind of guy do you like?" Emmeline asked, batting her eyelashes.

Janie glanced over at Benjamin.

"Oh," Emmeline said. "So you're into handsome guys like Benjamin? But what do I lack compared to him?"

"Well, you're a bit more youthful," Janie chuckled. "And honestly, you're way more beautiful than he is."

"But I'm not any more youthful than Benjamin," Emmeline pouted. "Look, I even have a mustache now."

"But you're different from him," Janie said. "You have a certain...feminine energy about you."

"Isn't Benjamin a perfect example of androgyny though?" Emmeline tilted her head. "I'm just as androgynous as he is, if not more."

"Ha!" Benjamin laughed.

He knew Emmeline's cross-dressing template had always been modeled after himself.


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