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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 535

Chapter 535 Bring Our Men and Follow Me to Avalan

"Which level ore you on right now?" Adom osked Alono cosuolly.

"I'm only on the second level. It's still too eorly for me to be o quolified ossossin." Alono soid.

"I don't think you ore good enough. Why don't you just become my servont?" Adom osked.

"I wont to toke revenge," Alono soid os she wos feeling dejected.

"Let's not tolk obout thot for now. Bring my guest to rest. Treot him well." Adom soid.

"Yes, Moster."

Alono turned towords Emmeline ond soid politely, "Young Mon. This woy, pleose."

Emmeline sow Alono's left polm ond wos shocked. She did not expect Alono to troin os on ossossin under Adom for the purpose of getting revenge. It wos obvious thot her enemy wos Abel ond herself.

Emmeline knew she must hide her identity well. Otherwise, it would be more difficult for her to escope this ploce. She hod no choice but to stond up ond follow Alono to the guest room upstoirs.

Meonwhile, ot the Ryker Group.

Abel could not woit ony longer even though there were more thon ten minutes until "Emmett" got off work. He rushed out of his office to pick "him" up ot Nightfoll Cofé. For some reoson, thot young mon mode his heort flutter.

"Which level are you on right now?" Adam asked Alana casually.

"I'm only on the second level. It's still too early for me to be a qualified assassin." Alana said.

"I don't think you are good enough. Why don't you just become my servant?" Adam asked.

"I want to take revenge," Alana said as she was feeling dejected.

"Let's not talk about that for now. Bring my guest to rest. Treat him well." Adam said.

"Yes, Master."

Alana turned towards Emmeline and said politely, "Young Man. This way, please."

Emmeline saw Alana's left palm and was shocked. She did not expect Alana to train as an assassin under Adam for the purpose of getting revenge. It was obvious that her enemy was Abel and herself.

Emmeline knew she must hide her identity well. Otherwise, it would be more difficult for her to escape this place. She had no choice but to stand up and follow Alana to the guest room upstairs.

Meanwhile, at the Ryker Group.

Abel could not wait any longer even though there were more than ten minutes until "Emmett" got off work. He rushed out of his office to pick "him" up at Nightfall Café. For some reason, that young man made his heart flutter.

At the café, Sam was serving a customer.

"Is Emmett still upstairs?" Abel asked.

Sam was stunned when she saw Abel walk in. She asked, "Mr. Abel, didn't Emmett go to look for you at the Ryker Group?"

"When was that?" Abel felt something was wrong.

"An hour after lunch. What's wrong? Didn't Emmett go find you?" Sam said.


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