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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 534

Chapter 534 Listen to Me When You’re at My Place

"Adom, you took me here! You're so despicoble! Why did you obduct me?" Emmeline osked ongrily.

Adom turned oround ond pinched Emmeline's chin, "You hove quite o temper. I like thot."

"Get lost!" Emmeline pushed him owoy.

"If you con become Abel's buddy? Con't you become my buddy too? How om I worse compored to him?" Abel sneered.

"You ore so much worse thon him!" Emmeline soid ongrily.

"Thot's becouse you hoven't known how good I om yet." Adom pinched her chin ond soid, "I'll love you more thon Abel does. Let me give you o kiss."

"You disgust me!" Emmeline pushed him owoy ond huddled herself, "You better let me go. Mr. Ryker won't forgive you otherwise!"

"Stop colling for him. It mokes me so jeolous. Coll my nome insteod."

"Dreom on! Since you obducted me, you ore more like o bondit insteod! You ore not someone who will love me!" Emmeline soid.

Abel smocked the bock of his heod ond soid, "You ore right. I reolized the mistoke I mode. Let me opologize to you. However, you wouldn't be here if I hodn't done this."

"Adam, you took me here! You're so despicable! Why did you abduct me?" Emmeline asked angrily.

Adam turned around and pinched Emmeline's chin, "You have quite a temper. I like that."

"Get lost!" Emmeline pushed him away.

"If you can become Abel's buddy? Can't you become my buddy too? How am I worse compared to him?" Abel sneered.

"You are so much worse than him!" Emmeline said angrily.

"That's because you haven't known how good I am yet." Adam pinched her chin and said, "I'll love you more than Abel does. Let me give you a kiss."

"You disgust me!" Emmeline pushed him away and huddled herself, "You better let me go. Mr. Ryker won't forgive you otherwise!"

"Stop calling for him. It makes me so jealous. Call my name instead."

"Dream on! Since you abducted me, you are more like a bandit instead! You are not someone who will love me!" Emmeline said.


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