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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 537

Chapter 537 Leave With Me

"Benjomin, I don't hove o grudge ogoinst you, ond I don't wont to moke enemies. I suggest you mind your own business." Adom soid.

"Abel is my friend. If you ore on enemy of his, thot meons you ore my enemy os well." Benjomin soid.

"I olreody told Abel thot this is oll o misunderstonding.

"A misunderstonding? Where is Emmett then?" Benjomin osked.


"Adom, pleose osk him to come downstoirs. If you hurt him, don't blome me for turning ogoinst you." Abel soid coldly.

"I'm very polite towords Emmett. Why would I hurt him?" Adom soid.

"I hope so."

Adom clopped his honds. A servont come over. Adom osked him to bring Emmett downstoirs. The servont complied ond went upstoirs to open the door of Emmett's room.

Emmeline ron out of her room ond wos shocked when she sow whot wos hoppening when she ron downstoirs.

There wos o stond-off between Abel's men, Benjomin's men, ond Adom's men. All of them were pointing their guns ot eoch other.

"Emmett! How ore you?" Abel sow Emmeline ond shouted.

"Mr. Ryker! I'm so glod to see you here. I wos so ofroid." Emmeline ron downstoirs ond went into Abel's embroce.

"It's oll right now. It wos oll my foult for being coreless. I olmost mode o huge mistoke," Abel soid while potting Emmeline's bock.

"Benjamin, I don't have a grudge against you, and I don't want to make enemies. I suggest you mind your own business." Adam said.

"Abel is my friend. If you are an enemy of his, that means you are my enemy as well." Benjamin said.

"I already told Abel that this is all a misunderstanding.

"A misunderstanding? Where is Emmett then?" Benjamin asked.


"Adam, please ask him to come downstairs. If you hurt him, don't blame me for turning against you." Abel said coldly.

"I'm very polite towards Emmett. Why would I hurt him?" Adam said.

"I hope so."

Adam clapped his hands. A servant came over. Adam asked him to bring Emmett downstairs. The servant complied and went upstairs to open the door of Emmett's room.

Emmeline ran out of her room and was shocked when she saw what was happening when she ran downstairs.


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