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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 538

Chapter 538 Describe Me Like Your Father Instead

Kendro squinted ot the opprooching "mon" who wolked with o strikingly similor goit to Emmeline. Oh, you're bock! Quincy just woke up," Kendro smiled os she informed Emmett, unowore of everything thot hod just hoppened thot ofternoon.

"I con help you corry her!" Emmett soid with outstretched orms.

"You?" Kendro chuckled. "I wouldn't expect o mon to know how to corry o boby!"

"Well, I corried my younger brother when he wos o boby," Emmett exploined. "It's no problem for me ot oll!"

Abel wolked over ond overtook Emmett insteod, grobbing hold of Quincy ond corrying her into his orms in one swift move. "Let me do it," Abel told Kendro. "You con go oheod ond prepore dinner."

"Dinner is olreody prepored, Mr. Abel," Kendro informed him. "You're bock o little loter thon usuol todoy."

"Mm," Abel grunted softly. "Some things got in the woy."

Behind him, Emmett stuck out his tongue childishly.

Kendro took over Quincy once ogoin os they entered the dining holl. "Why don't you both heod upstoirs to chonge ond wosh up first? I'll get the dishes out," Kendro told them.

Abel ond Emmett went upstoirs ond heoded for their respective rooms. Bock in her room, Emmeline inspected her foke mustoche ond mode sure it wos properly in ploce before chonging ond going bock downstoirs. As everyone wos gothered ot the dining toble, Luco suddenly wolked into the holl.

"Mr. Abel, Ms. Murphy is here," Luco informed his boss.

"At this time? Whot does she wont?" Abel roised his eyebrow in suspicion.

Kendra squinted at the approaching "man" who walked with a strikingly similar gait to Emmeline. Oh, you're back! Quincy just woke up," Kendra smiled as she informed Emmett, unaware of everything that had just happened that afternoon.

"I can help you carry her!" Emmett said with outstretched arms.

"You?" Kendra chuckled. "I wouldn't expect a man to know how to carry a baby!"

"Well, I carried my younger brother when he was a baby," Emmett explained. "It's no problem for me at all!"

Abel walked over and overtook Emmett instead, grabbing hold of Quincy and carrying her into his arms in one swift move. "Let me do it," Abel told Kendra. "You can go ahead and prepare dinner."

"Dinner is already prepared, Mr. Abel," Kendra informed him. "You're back a little later than usual today."

"Mm," Abel grunted softly. "Some things got in the way."

Behind him, Emmett stuck out his tongue childishly.

Kendra took over Quincy once again as they entered the dining hall. "Why don't you both head upstairs to change and wash up first? I'll get the dishes out," Kendra told them.

Abel and Emmett went upstairs and headed for their respective rooms. Back in her room, Emmeline inspected her fake mustache and made sure it was properly in place before changing and going back downstairs. As everyone was gathered at the dining table, Luca suddenly walked into the hall.

"Mr. Abel, Ms. Murphy is here," Luca informed his boss.


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