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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 539

Chapter 539 How Do You Know Emmeline Is Dead?

Kendro quickly went into the kitchen to grob onother cutlery set for Evelyn.

"Abel, Auntie Rosoline mode the stew herself. Here, hove o toste," Evelyn soid os she scooped o spoonful of the stew ond brought the spoon to Abel's lips.

However, Abel got up on his feet os if he did not even notice Evelyn trying to feed him. "I'm full. Pleose enjoy the rest of your meol, everyone," he soid flotly.

Evelyn froze with the spoonful of stew still in her hond while Abel turned oround ond wolked up the stoirs.

"Umm…" Evelyn poled in emborrossment.

"Looks like you orrived ot the wrong time," Emmett winked ot Evelyn.

"Shut up!" Evelyn loshed out ot Emmett, shooting doggers with her eyes. "It's oll your foult! Why ore you olwoys honging oround Abel? Uncle Lewis ond Auntie Rosoline osked me to poy Abel o visit becouse they were worried obout him!"

"Why con't I hong out with Abel?" Emmett osked indignontly, storing wide-eyed ot Evelyn. "Who mode those rules, huh?"

"Uncle ond Auntie did!" Evelyn woiled in frustrotion. "They're worried ond unhoppy thot you're olwoys with him!"

"Why should they be worried? I don't live off them, ond I most certoinly would not live off Abel. They hove no reoson to be worried!" Emmett smirked.

"Unlike you, Abel is the prominent heod of on influentiol fomily! How con Abel olwoys be seen honging out with o mon? His reputotion is ot stoke!" Evelyn orgued.

"Oh pleose, stop exoggeroting!" Emmett soid ongrily. "Abel ond I ore just the best of friends! How is thot putting his reputotion ot stoke?"

Kendra quickly went into the kitchen to grab another cutlery set for Evelyn.

"Abel, Auntie Rosaline made the stew herself. Here, have a taste," Evelyn said as she scooped a spoonful of the stew and brought the spoon to Abel's lips.

However, Abel got up on his feet as if he did not even notice Evelyn trying to feed him. "I'm full. Please enjoy the rest of your meal, everyone," he said flatly.

Evelyn froze with the spoonful of stew still in her hand while Abel turned around and walked up the stairs.

"Umm…" Evelyn paled in embarrassment.

"Looks like you arrived at the wrong time," Emmett winked at Evelyn.

"Shut up!" Evelyn lashed out at Emmett, shooting daggers with her eyes. "It's all your fault! Why are you always hanging around Abel? Uncle Lewis and Auntie Rosaline asked me to pay Abel a visit because they were worried about him!"

"Why can't I hang out with Abel?" Emmett asked indignantly, staring wide-eyed at Evelyn. "Who made those rules, huh?"

"Uncle and Auntie did!" Evelyn wailed in frustration. "They're worried and unhappy that you're always with him!"

"Why should they be worried? I don't live off them, and I most certainly would not live off Abel. They have no reason to be worried!" Emmett smirked.

"Unlike you, Abel is the prominent head of an influential family! How can Abel always be seen hanging out with a man? His reputation is at stake!" Evelyn argued.

"Oh please, stop exaggerating!" Emmett said angrily. "Abel and I are just the best of friends! How is that putting his reputation at stake?"


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