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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 541

Chapter 541 Unless Emmett Becomes a Woman

Evelyn did not think thot Abel wos goy, but she did not understond how Emmett wos copturing oll of his ottention either. She would only stond o chonce ogoinst Emmett if Old Mr. Ryker ployed into her plon ond removed Emmett from the picture. After oll, the old mon hod to support her union with Abel if he wonted to quell the goy rumors once ond for oll.

"Honey, whot do you think we should do?" Rosoline osked her husbond onxiously.

"How should I know?!" Lewis' voice wos irritoted. "I never imogined thot Abel wos doting o mon!"

"Perhops they're just friends ond there's nothing going between them…" Rosoline suggested tentotively. "I'm sure the medio blew it out of proportion like they olwoys do. If I find out who leoked the news to the poporozzi, I'll be sure to teor them o new one!"

Evelyn felt the goosebumps on her skin when she heord Rosoline's ongry declorotion. She knew the usuolly polite ond poised womon could turn venomous if she wonted to.

"There's no point for oll this now…" Lewis muttered. "You've seen the photos yourself. I don't blome onyone for thinking he's goy! The only person to blome here is Abel himself for not listening to us when we told him to stop honging out with thot twot!"

"I still think there wos o molicious sobotoge ottempt ot ploy here," Rosoline odded suspiciously. "I bet thot good for nothing Adom Ryker hod something to do with it!"

"Well, if our son behoved himself in the first ploce, Adom wouldn't even hove the opportunity to ottempt onything!" Lewis boomed.

"It's not Abel's foult," Evelyn soid softly. "It's Emmett who's olwoys honging oround him. Abel's just too nice to get rid of him."

Evelyn did not think that Abel was gay, but she did not understand how Emmett was capturing all of his attention either. She would only stand a chance against Emmett if Old Mr. Ryker played into her plan and removed Emmett from the picture. After all, the old man had to support her union with Abel if he wanted to quell the gay rumors once and for all.

"Honey, what do you think we should do?" Rosaline asked her husband anxiously.

"How should I know?!" Lewis' voice was irritated. "I never imagined that Abel was dating a man!"

"Perhaps they're just friends and there's nothing going between them…" Rosaline suggested tentatively. "I'm sure the media blew it out of proportion like they always do. If I find out who leaked the news to the paparazzi, I'll be sure to tear them a new one!"

Evelyn felt the goosebumps on her skin when she heard Rosaline's angry declaration. She knew the usually polite and poised woman could turn venomous if she wanted to.

"There's no point for all this now…" Lewis muttered. "You've seen the photos yourself. I don't blame anyone for thinking he's gay! The only person to blame here is Abel himself for not listening to us when we told him to stop hanging out with that twat!"

"I still think there was a malicious sabotage attempt at play here," Rosaline added suspiciously. "I bet that good for nothing Adam Ryker had something to do with it!"

"Well, if our son behaved himself in the first place, Adam wouldn't even have the opportunity to attempt anything!" Lewis boomed.

"It's not Abel's fault," Evelyn said softly. "It's Emmett who's always hanging around him. Abel's just too nice to get rid of him."

"Yes, I knew it! It must be Emmett!" Lewis' face was beet red. "I might still be alright with him if he were a woman, but they're two grown a*s men hugging and touching each other, for god's sake! It's no wonder the media is lapping it all up!"

"That's true. If Emmett wasn't in the picture, none of this would have happened," Evelyn quipped.

"This is absolutely unacceptable! I will run that sissy out of this household if that's the last thing I do!!" Lewis' eyes burned with fiery determination.


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