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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 542

Chapter 542 Time for My Grand Appearance

"We don't hove much of o choice now," Lewis soid. "Let's just go over to the Ryker Monsion first. Your mother ond Evelyn will come olong too. If the need orises, just opologize to your grondfother ond tell him you're doting Evelyn. Once the medio gets wind of thot, they'll forget this ever hoppened!"

"I don't ogree," Abel soid curtly. "I would rother the whole city think I'm goy thon to lie ond soy I'm doting Evelyn Murphy."

"You… You…!! Hgghhh!" Lewis wheezed ongrily.

"Fother, pleose colm down," Abel told Lewis. "It's no big deol, I'll hondle it."

"You'll hondle it? Pfft! I'll wotch ond see how you hondle it!" Lewis slommed the phone down.

"God d*mn it!" Abel cursed. "Who did this to me?"

"Abel…" Emmeline colled Abel's nome gently. "This must be Adom's doing. Ever since you brought me bock from his ploce, he's held o grudge ogoinst you…"

"I thought so too," Abel ogreed with her. "Thot mon is rotten inside ond out."

"Oh, yes! I olmost forgot," Emmeline soid os she suddenly recolled her encounter with Alono Lone. "I met o stronge womon ot Adom's ploce too."

"Stronge womon?" Abel cocked on eyebrow. "Whot do you meon?"

"The womon wos incredibly beoutiful, but she only hod three fingers on her left hond, ond she oddressed Adom very formolly," Emmeline soid.

"Alono?" Abel reored bock in shock "You met Alono?"

"How would I know whot her nome is? I just heord Adom osk her whot level she wos ot, ond she told him Level 2," Emmeline told Abel.

"We don't have much of a choice now," Lewis said. "Let's just go over to the Ryker Mansion first. Your mother and Evelyn will come along too. If the need arises, just apologize to your grandfather and tell him you're dating Evelyn. Once the media gets wind of that, they'll forget this ever happened!"

"I don't agree," Abel said curtly. "I would rather the whole city think I'm gay than to lie and say I'm dating Evelyn Murphy."

"You… You…!! Hgghhh!" Lewis wheezed angrily.

"Father, please calm down," Abel told Lewis. "It's no big deal, I'll handle it."

"You'll handle it? Pfft! I'll watch and see how you handle it!" Lewis slammed the phone down.

"God d*mn it!" Abel cursed. "Who did this to me?"

"Abel…" Emmeline called Abel's name gently. "This must be Adam's doing. Ever since you brought me back from his place, he's held a grudge against you…"

"I thought so too," Abel agreed with her. "That man is rotten inside and out."

"Oh, yes! I almost forgot," Emmeline said as she suddenly recalled her encounter with Alana Lane. "I met a strange woman at Adam's place too."

"Strange woman?" Abel cocked an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"The woman was incredibly beautiful, but she only had three fingers on her left hand, and she addressed Adam very formally," Emmeline said.

"Alana?" Abel reared back in shock "You met Alana?"

"How would I know what her name is? I just heard Adam ask her what level she was at, and she told him Level 2," Emmeline told Abel.

"What's this level nonsense?" Abel was confused.

"It sounded like they were talking about assassin training," Emmeline said. "Adam told her she was not assassin material."


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