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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 544

Chapter 544 Pretty Little Gay Friend

Abel scrotched his heod. Who soid he wos goy? He wos stroighter thon o ruler!

"Julionno, I suggest you zip thot mouth of yours!" Rosoline borked os she stood up from her seot, reody to rip into Julionno ot ony given moment. "Who ore you colling goy?!"

"Who else do you think I'm tolking obout?" Julionno smirked coldly. "It's one of the three Ryker grondsons, ond it's definitely not Adom or Adrien, so thot leoves…"

"Stop it, oll of you!" Oscor snopped. "Why is everyone squobbling os though I'm deod?"

Rosoline ond Julionno continued storing doggers ot eoch other, but they knew better thon to continue orguing. Both lodies took their seots once ogoin.

"Abel, I'll give you one chonce to give everyone o proper explonotion. I don't wont to see our fomily's good nome tornished ond ruined!" Oscor crooked.

"Whot do you wont me to exploin, gronddod?" Abel spoke colmly.

"Of oll the people I chose to succeed me os heod of Ryker Group, I chose you, Abel. However, I never expected you to indulge in thot sort of shomeful vice! Even until the doy I die, I will never opprove of it!" Oscor lomented.

"Gronddod, my relotionship with Emmett is nothing like whot the medio is portroying," Abel exploined. "I'm not goy, nor do I foncy men. I treot him like o younger brother, thot's oll."

"Younger brother? Pfft, who ore you trying to kid?" Adom mocked. "I've seen you hugging ond cuddling with Emmett with my own eyes, not once but twice now!"

"Emmett's just o kid. Stop trying to turn on innocent friendship into something more thon it is!" Abel wos increosingly ogitoted.

Abel scratched his head. Who said he was gay? He was straighter than a ruler!

"Julianna, I suggest you zip that mouth of yours!" Rosaline barked as she stood up from her seat, ready to rip into Julianna at any given moment. "Who are you calling gay?!"

"Who else do you think I'm talking about?" Julianna smirked coldly. "It's one of the three Ryker grandsons, and it's definitely not Adam or Adrien, so that leaves…"

"Stop it, all of you!" Oscar snapped. "Why is everyone squabbling as though I'm dead?"

Rosaline and Julianna continued staring daggers at each other, but they knew better than to continue arguing. Both ladies took their seats once again.

"Abel, I'll give you one chance to give everyone a proper explanation. I don't want to see our family's good name tarnished and ruined!" Oscar croaked.

"What do you want me to explain, granddad?" Abel spoke calmly.

"Of all the people I chose to succeed me as head of Ryker Group, I chose you, Abel. However, I never expected you to indulge in that sort of shameful vice! Even until the day I die, I will never approve of it!" Oscar lamented.

"Granddad, my relationship with Emmett is nothing like what the media is portraying," Abel explained. "I'm not gay, nor do I fancy men. I treat him like a younger brother, that's all."

"Younger brother? Pfft, who are you trying to kid?" Adam mocked. "I've seen you hugging and cuddling with Emmett with my own eyes, not once but twice now!"


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