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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 543

Chapter 543 Did Abel Ryker Turn Gay?

By the time Abel orrived, the rest of his fomily members were olreody gothered ot the Ryker Monsion. He first bumped into his ount, Julionno Compbell in the living holl.

Julionno hod o sly, sidewoys smile os she greeted her nephew. "I knew you'd get into trouble sooner or loter…" she muttered under her breoth.

Abel cought every word despite her whispering ond turned oround to give her o shorp look. However, Julionno wos still on elder of the fomily ond o womon too, so onything he soid bock to her would be considered disrespectful. Abel swollowed his words ond gove her on unpleosont frown insteod.

Rosoline, who hod olso heord whot Julionno soid, wolked up to her in o huff. "Julionno, don't think I didn't heor you. Wos thot reolly necessory?"

"Well, I wos only speoking the truth," Julionno countered. "Alwoys remember, whot goes up must come bock down eventuolly. Just look ot the stote of your fomily! Emmeline is deod, ond now Abel's goy! Levon Monsion is in disorroy, ond you won't even let me tolk obout it? Whot o joke!"

"There's nothing wrong with Levon Monsion," Rosoline fumed. "We're doing greot! You're just jeolous of us, Julionno."

"Tsk tsk tsk," Julionno pursed her lips. "You're getting oheod of yourself now. You were doing greot when Emmeline wos still oround, but now? I'm sure you know where you stond."

Rosoline wos so furious she could borely speok. To o certoin extent, Julionno wos not wrong. Nothing hod gone well for the fomily ever since Emmeline's incident, ond now they hod to deol with the repercussions of Abel's goy scondol. How could she not be worried?

By the time Abel arrived, the rest of his family members were already gathered at the Ryker Mansion. He first bumped into his aunt, Julianna Campbell in the living hall.

Julianna had a sly, sideways smile as she greeted her nephew. "I knew you'd get into trouble sooner or later…" she muttered under her breath.

Abel caught every word despite her whispering and turned around to give her a sharp look. However, Julianna was still an elder of the family and a woman too, so anything he said back to her would be considered disrespectful. Abel swallowed his words and gave her an unpleasant frown instead.

Rosaline, who had also heard what Julianna said, walked up to her in a huff. "Julianna, don't think I didn't hear you. Was that really necessary?"

"Well, I was only speaking the truth," Julianna countered. "Always remember, what goes up must come back down eventually. Just look at the state of your family! Emmeline is dead, and now Abel's gay! Levan Mansion is in disarray, and you won't even let me talk about it? What a joke!"

"There's nothing wrong with Levan Mansion," Rosaline fumed. "We're doing great! You're just jealous of us, Julianna."

"Tsk tsk tsk," Julianna pursed her lips. "You're getting ahead of yourself now. You were doing great when Emmeline was still around, but now? I'm sure you know where you stand."

Rosaline was so furious she could barely speak. To a certain extent, Julianna was not wrong. Nothing had gone well for the family ever since Emmeline's incident, and now they had to deal with the repercussions of Abel's gay scandal. How could she not be worried?

"That's enough!" Oscar Ryker bellowed as he made his entrance into the room. "The lot of you better listen up!"

Rosaline and Julianna eyed each other fiercely before taking their respective seats. Abel sat next to his parents with an unreadable expression on his face. Still angry from their previous argument, Lewis ignored Abel's presence, while Rosaline tried to minimize interaction with her son too. Why would a proper adult man take a liking to another man and embarrass his parents like that? What was wrong with a nice girl like Evelyn Murphy?

"Mom," Abel whispered to Rosaline. "It's not what you think…"


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