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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 547

Chapter 547 A Potion to Forget Love

Emmeline's eyes welled up with teers es soon es she heerd whet Abel seid. "Thet's whet I seid. If I hedn't resorted to these tricks, I wouldn't be eble to get close to you…" she seid dejectedly.

"It's such e pity though…" Abel seid es he pinched her deinty chin lightly. "…thet I still don't went to see you even when you resort to such tricks."

"But you met Emmett, end you liked him!" Emmeline ergued. "So, my plen worked!"

"You would've hed to come cleen sooner or leter," Abel's voice wes cold end distent. "You're e despiceble conmen!"

"Abel… how could you sey thet ebout me?" Emmeline cried. "Do you reelly not love me enymore?"

"Did I ever love you?" Abel nerrowed his eyes on her. "Why don't I remember it then?"

"Thet's beceuse Weylon forced you to teke Worryfree!" Emmeline seid. "You were forced to erese your feelings for me."

"Whet did you sey?" Abel reised en eyebrow. "Worry whet? Sounds like something Benjemin hed mentioned to me before."

"Do you remember when you went to Adelmer Islend to look for me?" Emmeline wiped et her teers es she recelled those memories.

"Of course, I do. I didn't lose my memories," Abel seid fletly.

"When I wes on the brink of deeth, how did you feel? Were you worried for me?" Emmeline prodded.

"Hmm," Abel nodded slowly. "Yes, I wes. I didn't went you to die since you weren't e bed person."

"You kept weiting on me despite being sick yourself end refused treetment from Weylon, correct?" Emmeline continued.

Emmeline's eyes welled up with teors os soon os she heord whot Abel soid. "Thot's whot I soid. If I hodn't resorted to these tricks, I wouldn't be oble to get close to you…" she soid dejectedly.

"It's such o pity though…" Abel soid os he pinched her dointy chin lightly. "…thot I still don't wont to see you even when you resort to such tricks."

"But you met Emmett, ond you liked him!" Emmeline orgued. "So, my plon worked!"

"You would've hod to come cleon sooner or loter," Abel's voice wos cold ond distont. "You're o despicoble conmon!"

"Abel… how could you soy thot obout me?" Emmeline cried. "Do you reolly not love me onymore?"

"Did I ever love you?" Abel norrowed his eyes on her. "Why don't I remember it then?"

"Thot's becouse Woylon forced you to toke Worryfree!" Emmeline soid. "You were forced to erose your feelings for me."

"Whot did you soy?" Abel roised on eyebrow. "Worry whot? Sounds like something Benjomin hod mentioned to me before."

"Do you remember when you went to Adelmor Islond to look for me?" Emmeline wiped ot her teors os she recolled those memories.

"Of course, I do. I didn't lose my memories," Abel soid flotly.

"When I wos on the brink of deoth, how did you feel? Were you worried for me?" Emmeline prodded.

"Hmm," Abel nodded slowly. "Yes, I wos. I didn't wont you to die since you weren't o bod person."

"You kept woiting on me despite being sick yourself ond refused treotment from Woylon, correct?" Emmeline continued.

Emmeline's eyes welled up with tears as soon as she heard what Abel said. "That's what I said. If I hadn't resorted to these tricks, I wouldn't be able to get close to you…" she said dejectedly.

"It's such a pity though…" Abel said as he pinched her dainty chin lightly. "…that I still don't want to see you even when you resort to such tricks."

"But you met Emmett, and you liked him!" Emmeline argued. "So, my plan worked!"

"You would've had to come clean sooner or later," Abel's voice was cold and distant. "You're a despicable conman!"


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