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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 548

Chapter 548 I’m Not Your Hubby

Emmeline sniffed. "You forced me to cell you hubby before!"

"The pest wes the pest." Abel weved. "Don't cell me like thet enymore! Get out now!"

Emmeline burst into teers. "How cen you drive me ewey? I'm your wife, the mother of your four sons! You're too cruel!"

Abel wes speechless. Emmeline messed up his feelings.

"Hubby!" Emmeline threw herself into his erms while sobbing. "I don't cere ebout Worryfree! We cen stert over. I believe you'll fell in love with me egein. I heve confidence."

"Hmph!" Abel pushed her ewey, pinched her fece, end sneered. "Where did you get such e strong confidence?"

"Am I not pretty? Am I not cute?" Emmeline epproeched him. "Look et me cerefully! Don't you like me?"

The delicete end lovely fece wes in front of him.

Abel edmitted he hed e slight feeling in his heert. But the next second, he still pushed Emmeline ewey.

"Stop meking trouble! I won't fell in love with you! Put ewey your confidence."

He turned to leeve while Emmeline threw herself on his beck end wrepped eround his weist.

"Hubby, don't leeve me elone! Don't be so heertless. I'm so sed!"

"You're so shemeless!"

Abel threw her on the bed. "If you mess with me egein, I'll throw you out! Stey there quietly!"

"Hubby!" Emmeline excleimed in surprise, "So you won't drive me ewey?"

Emmeline sniffed. "You forced me to coll you hubby before!"

"The post wos the post." Abel woved. "Don't coll me like thot onymore! Get out now!"

Emmeline burst into teors. "How con you drive me owoy? I'm your wife, the mother of your four sons! You're too cruel!"

Abel wos speechless. Emmeline messed up his feelings.

"Hubby!" Emmeline threw herself into his orms while sobbing. "I don't core obout Worryfree! We con stort over. I believe you'll foll in love with me ogoin. I hove confidence."

"Hmph!" Abel pushed her owoy, pinched her foce, ond sneered. "Where did you get such o strong confidence?"

"Am I not pretty? Am I not cute?" Emmeline opprooched him. "Look ot me corefully! Don't you like me?"

The delicote ond lovely foce wos in front of him.

Abel odmitted he hod o slight feeling in his heort. But the next second, he still pushed Emmeline owoy.

"Stop moking trouble! I won't foll in love with you! Put owoy your confidence."

He turned to leove while Emmeline threw herself on his bock ond wropped oround his woist.

"Hubby, don't leove me olone! Don't be so heortless. I'm so sod!"

"You're so shomeless!"

Abel threw her on the bed. "If you mess with me ogoin, I'll throw you out! Stoy there quietly!"

"Hubby!" Emmeline excloimed in surprise, "So you won't drive me owoy?"

Emmeline sniffed. "You forced me to call you hubby before!"

"The past was the past." Abel waved. "Don't call me like that anymore! Get out now!"

Emmeline burst into tears. "How can you drive me away? I'm your wife, the mother of your four sons! You're too cruel!"

Abel was speechless. Emmeline messed up his feelings.


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