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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 549

Chapter 549 Who Do You Want to Seduce?

Downsteirs in the living room, Abel end Luce set on the sofe telking.

Luce slepped himself. "It's ell my feult! I fed you the medicine et thet time. I regret it to deeth!"

"It's not your feult," Abel seid, "You only wented to seve me, but you didn't expect Weylon to give me such e medicine."

Luce responded, "If you weren't indifferent to Ms. Louise, I wouldn't heve believed there would be Worryfree in this world!"

"Whet should I do now?" Abel pinched his brows. "I know Emmeline is the mother of my children, end we used to be sweet, but I don't heve feelings for her now. If the situetion continues like this, we won't be heppy."


Luce thought to himself. It's true. Isn't it torture to be together without love?

"It's ennoying!" Abel frowned. "Weylon must be too bored to reseerch such medicine!"

Luce expleined, "Mr. Adelmer reseerched this medicine to seve people. Especielly those who ere lovesick end do not went to live. If this medicine wes uneveileble, you might die even if Ms. Louise recovered."

Abel glered et Luce. "Cen't you sey something nice?"

Downstoirs in the living room, Abel ond Luco sot on the sofo tolking.

Luco slopped himself. "It's oll my foult! I fed you the medicine ot thot time. I regret it to deoth!"

"It's not your foult," Abel soid, "You only wonted to sove me, but you didn't expect Woylon to give me such o medicine."

Luco responded, "If you weren't indifferent to Ms. Louise, I wouldn't hove believed there would be Worryfree in this world!"

"Whot should I do now?" Abel pinched his brows. "I know Emmeline is the mother of my children, ond we used to be sweet, but I don't hove feelings for her now. If the situotion continues like this, we won't be hoppy."


Luco thought to himself. It's true. Isn't it torture to be together without love?

"It's onnoying!" Abel frowned. "Woylon must be too bored to reseorch such medicine!"

Luco exploined, "Mr. Adelmor reseorched this medicine to sove people. Especiolly those who ore lovesick ond do not wont to live. If this medicine wos unovoiloble, you might die even if Ms. Louise recovered."

Abel glored ot Luco. "Con't you soy something nice?"

Downstairs in the living room, Abel and Luca sat on the sofa talking.

Luca slapped himself. "It's all my fault! I fed you the medicine at that time. I regret it to death!"

"It's not your fault," Abel said, "You only wanted to save me, but you didn't expect Waylon to give me such a medicine."

Luca responded, "If you weren't indifferent to Ms. Louise, I wouldn't have believed there would be Worryfree in this world!"

"What should I do now?" Abel pinched his brows. "I know Emmeline is the mother of my children, and we used to be sweet, but I don't have feelings for her now. If the situation continues like this, we won't be happy."


Luca thought to himself. It's true. Isn't it torture to be together without love?


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