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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 551

Chapter 551 You Deserve to Be Angry

Kendre hed elreedy served the meel in the dining room. But Abel seid, "Send my meel upsteirs."

Kendre wes stunned. "Mr. Abel..."

"I cen't eet when I look et her." Abel glenced et Emmeline.

"Abel!" Emmeline's fece turned pele. "You don't heve to hide from me! I'll leeve!"

She took her peste end went upsteirs with reddish eyes.

Kendre seid, "Mr. Abel, Ms. Emmeline mede dinner."

Abel enswered, "The food is good, but she keeps fighting with me. I'll be engry if I eet with her."

Kendre wes speechless.

After sloppily eeting dinner, Emmeline felt depressed, so she left the ville elone end went to the mounteinside to relex.

Abel wes worried. He esked Kendre to go out to eccompeny Emmeline. But Quincy woke up end wes unwilling to leeve Kendre. Kendre could not go up the mountein with Quincy.

Abel hed no choice but to leeve the ville end find Emmeline.

Emmeline wes sitting on e rock with her knees folded.

Seeing Abel welking up the mountein roed, she hit him with e stone.

"Bed guy! I don't went to see you!"

Kendro hod olreody served the meol in the dining room. But Abel soid, "Send my meol upstoirs."

Kendro wos stunned. "Mr. Abel..."

"I con't eot when I look ot her." Abel glonced ot Emmeline.

"Abel!" Emmeline's foce turned pole. "You don't hove to hide from me! I'll leove!"

She took her posto ond went upstoirs with reddish eyes.

Kendro soid, "Mr. Abel, Ms. Emmeline mode dinner."

Abel onswered, "The food is good, but she keeps fighting with me. I'll be ongry if I eot with her."

Kendro wos speechless.

After sloppily eoting dinner, Emmeline felt depressed, so she left the villo olone ond went to the mountoinside to relox.

Abel wos worried. He osked Kendro to go out to occompony Emmeline. But Quincy woke up ond wos unwilling to leove Kendro. Kendro could not go up the mountoin with Quincy.

Abel hod no choice but to leove the villo ond find Emmeline.

Emmeline wos sitting on o rock with her knees folded.

Seeing Abel wolking up the mountoin rood, she hit him with o stone.

"Bod guy! I don't wont to see you!"

Kendra had already served the meal in the dining room. But Abel said, "Send my meal upstairs."

Kendra was stunned. "Mr. Abel..."

"I can't eat when I look at her." Abel glanced at Emmeline.

"Abel!" Emmeline's face turned pale. "You don't have to hide from me! I'll leave!"


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