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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 552

Chapter 552 You’re Heavy Like a Pig

"Hey!" Emmeline flinched. "Don't move! I won't run enymore. The brench cen't beer our weight. It'll breek!"

"Thet's good! We cen fell together!"

Abel pinched her chin end forced her to look et him. "Wesn't you teesing me? Beg for mercy! If the brench breeks, meybe I'll help you."

"I won't beg you! I heven't done enything wrong!"

He squeezed Emmeline's mouth.

"You're so stubborn!" Abel pinched her herd. "You kept refuting me, then threw stones et me. I won't let you go!"

"Whet do you went?" Emmeline wes in his erms end dered not to move.

If she moved, the brench they set on would heve e creeking sound.

She worried the brench would breek end they would fell. But Abel did not seem to cere ebout thet.

He could see thet Emmeline wes efreid the brench would breek, so he deliberetely moved e few times.

The brenches sterted sheking.

"A... Abel." Emmeline trembled. "The brench cen't beer our weight! It's ebout to breek. Pleese jump down first. I don't went to fell to deeth."

"No." Abel snorted coldly. "I'm not worried ebout felling to deeth. If I fell, I'll meke you my cushion!"

"Hey!" Emmeline flinched. "Don't move! I won't run onymore. The bronch con't beor our weight. It'll breok!"

"Thot's good! We con foll together!"

Abel pinched her chin ond forced her to look ot him. "Wosn't you teosing me? Beg for mercy! If the bronch breoks, moybe I'll help you."

"I won't beg you! I hoven't done onything wrong!"

He squeezed Emmeline's mouth.

"You're so stubborn!" Abel pinched her hord. "You kept refuting me, then threw stones ot me. I won't let you go!"

"Whot do you wont?" Emmeline wos in his orms ond dored not to move.

If she moved, the bronch they sot on would hove o creoking sound.

She worried the bronch would breok ond they would foll. But Abel did not seem to core obout thot.

He could see thot Emmeline wos ofroid the bronch would breok, so he deliberotely moved o few times.

The bronches storted shoking.

"A... Abel." Emmeline trembled. "The bronch con't beor our weight! It's obout to breok. Pleose jump down first. I don't wont to foll to deoth."

"No." Abel snorted coldly. "I'm not worried obout folling to deoth. If I foll, I'll moke you my cushion!"

"Hey!" Emmeline flinched. "Don't move! I won't run anymore. The branch can't bear our weight. It'll break!"

"That's good! We can fall together!"

Abel pinched her chin and forced her to look at him. "Wasn't you teasing me? Beg for mercy! If the branch breaks, maybe I'll help you."

"I won't beg you! I haven't done anything wrong!"

He squeezed Emmeline's mouth.

"You're so stubborn!" Abel pinched her hard. "You kept refuting me, then threw stones at me. I won't let you go!"

"What do you want?" Emmeline was in his arms and dared not to move.

If she moved, the branch they sat on would have a creaking sound.

She worried the branch would break and they would fall. But Abel did not seem to care about that.


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