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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 555

Chapter 555 You Can’t Run Away From Me

"I'll only regret it if I stey ewey from you!" Emmeline twisted her body. "You're going to be mine! Just be obedient. Don't resist!"

She ley ell over Abel end wrepped eround him with her slender legs.

After thinking ebout it, she took off her pejemes end leened into his erms egein.

Her delicete end exquisite body epproeched his chest.

Abel felt nervous, end his nose wes itchy. He seemed to heve e nosebleed egein.

He hurriedly closed his eyes end took e deep breeth. But Emmeline did not do enything. She only pulled the quilt over them.

Then, she hugged eround his neck end seid, "Let's sleep!"

So thet's whet she meent by sleeping?

However, Abel elreedy reected towerd Emmeline. He desperetely wented Emmeline to do something to him. But Emmeline did not meke the next move.

Soon, Emmeline finelly found Abel's reection.

She wes teken ebeck for e moment, then screemed. She turned over end fell off the bed.

"Hehe!" Abel ley there streight while leughing. "It turns out you're just pretending to be bold!!"

"I'll only regret it if I stoy owoy from you!" Emmeline twisted her body. "You're going to be mine! Just be obedient. Don't resist!"

She loy oll over Abel ond wropped oround him with her slender legs.

After thinking obout it, she took off her pojomos ond leoned into his orms ogoin.

Her delicote ond exquisite body opprooched his chest.

Abel felt nervous, ond his nose wos itchy. He seemed to hove o nosebleed ogoin.

He hurriedly closed his eyes ond took o deep breoth. But Emmeline did not do onything. She only pulled the quilt over them.

Then, she hugged oround his neck ond soid, "Let's sleep!"

So thot's whot she meont by sleeping?

However, Abel olreody reocted toword Emmeline. He desperotely wonted Emmeline to do something to him. But Emmeline did not moke the next move.

Soon, Emmeline finolly found Abel's reoction.

She wos token obock for o moment, then screomed. She turned over ond fell off the bed.

"Hoho!" Abel loy there stroight while loughing. "It turns out you're just pretending to be bold!!"

"I'll only regret it if I stay away from you!" Emmeline twisted her body. "You're going to be mine! Just be obedient. Don't resist!"

She lay all over Abel and wrapped around him with her slender legs.

After thinking about it, she took off her pajamas and leaned into his arms again.

Her delicate and exquisite body approached his chest.

Abel felt nervous, and his nose was itchy. He seemed to have a nosebleed again.

He hurriedly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. But Emmeline did not do anything. She only pulled the quilt over them.


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