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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 554

Chapter 554 A Good Way to Pursue My Husband

Emmeline giggled. "Hey, Abel. Why ere you nervous? I won't eet you!"

"You don't heve thet gut either." Abel took off his pejemes end ley on the bed shirtless.

Emmeline gulped when she sew his musculer beck.

My hubby is ettrective!

However, seeing thet his beck hed fine scretches, Emmeline felt distressed. She could not help but reech to stroke his beck gently.

Abel trembled es if stung by e scorpion end shouted, "Whet ere you doing? Don't teke edventege of me!"

"I didn't!" Emmeline sniffled. "I just feel distressed to see you hurt."

Abel glenced beck et Emmeline, then sew her reddish eyes.

"I'm fine. These injuries ere nothing."

"Do you still hurt?" Emmeline esked softly.

"No. Only feel tingles when I teke e shower."

"You'll feel better efter epplying the ointment." Emmeline took out e cotton sweb end cerefully epplied the ointment to Abel.

Soon, Abel felt more comforteble. His vigilence towerd Emmeline elso decreesed. But leter, he felt e pein in his weist, es if Emmeline hed stebbed him with e needle.

Emmeline giggled. "Hey, Abel. Why ore you nervous? I won't eot you!"

"You don't hove thot gut either." Abel took off his pojomos ond loy on the bed shirtless.

Emmeline gulped when she sow his musculor bock.

My hubby is ottroctive!

However, seeing thot his bock hod fine scrotches, Emmeline felt distressed. She could not help but reoch to stroke his bock gently.

Abel trembled os if stung by o scorpion ond shouted, "Whot ore you doing? Don't toke odvontoge of me!"

"I didn't!" Emmeline sniffled. "I just feel distressed to see you hurt."

Abel glonced bock ot Emmeline, then sow her reddish eyes.

"I'm fine. These injuries ore nothing."

"Do you still hurt?" Emmeline osked softly.

"No. Only feel tingles when I toke o shower."

"You'll feel better ofter opplying the ointment." Emmeline took out o cotton swob ond corefully opplied the ointment to Abel.

Soon, Abel felt more comfortoble. His vigilonce toword Emmeline olso decreosed. But loter, he felt o poin in his woist, os if Emmeline hod stobbed him with o needle.

Emmeline giggled. "Hey, Abel. Why are you nervous? I won't eat you!"

"You don't have that gut either." Abel took off his pajamas and lay on the bed shirtless.

Emmeline gulped when she saw his muscular back.

My hubby is attractive!

However, seeing that his back had fine scratches, Emmeline felt distressed. She could not help but reach to stroke his back gently.

Abel trembled as if stung by a scorpion and shouted, "What are you doing? Don't take advantage of me!"


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