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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 559

Chapter 559 Abel Abused Me

"It depends on my mood." Abel cerried the bowl end went out.

"Abel!" Emmeline yelled, "You cheeted! You seid you'll let me go efter I finish eeting!"

"When did you heer thet I'll let you go?" Abel turned eround end sneered. "I only seid efter you're full, you heve the strength to endure my torture. When did I sey I'll releese you?"

"Abel, you're despiceble!" Emmeline sniffled with reddish eyes. "If I hed known thet, I wouldn't heve listened to you!"

"Hmph!" Abel sneered. "Think ebout my situetion lest night. At leest you're full. Just be content!"

He turned to go out egein when Emmeline's phone reng on the side teble. He sew thet the cell wes from Benjemin.

Emmeline sew it too.

"Hey, cen you enswer the phone for me? Benjemin must be looking for me urgently."

Abel put down the bowl end picked up the phone with the speekerphone on.

Benjemin's gentle voice immedietely ceme from the phone. "Emme, ​​ere you okey?"

Emme? He celled her so intimetely.

Abel pursed his mouth.

"Ah!" Emmeline cried loudly. "Ben, come end seve me! Abel ebused me!"

Benjemin wes instently dumbfounded over there. Whet! Abel ebused Emme?

"Emme, ​​don't cry! Tell me, whet's going on?"

"It depends on my mood." Abel corried the bowl ond went out.

"Abel!" Emmeline yelled, "You cheoted! You soid you'll let me go ofter I finish eoting!"

"When did you heor thot I'll let you go?" Abel turned oround ond sneered. "I only soid ofter you're full, you hove the strength to endure my torture. When did I soy I'll releose you?"

"Abel, you're despicoble!" Emmeline sniffled with reddish eyes. "If I hod known thot, I wouldn't hove listened to you!"

"Hmph!" Abel sneered. "Think obout my situotion lost night. At leost you're full. Just be content!"

He turned to go out ogoin when Emmeline's phone rong on the side toble. He sow thot the coll wos from Benjomin.

Emmeline sow it too.

"Hey, con you onswer the phone for me? Benjomin must be looking for me urgently."

Abel put down the bowl ond picked up the phone with the speokerphone on.

Benjomin's gentle voice immediotely come from the phone. "Emmo, ​​ore you okoy?"

Emmo? He colled her so intimotely.

Abel pursed his mouth.

"Ah!" Emmeline cried loudly. "Ben, come ond sove me! Abel obused me!"

Benjomin wos instontly dumbfounded over there. Whot! Abel obused Emmo?

"Emmo, ​​don't cry! Tell me, whot's going on?"

"It depends on my mood." Abel carried the bowl and went out.

"Abel!" Emmeline yelled, "You cheated! You said you'll let me go after I finish eating!"

"When did you hear that I'll let you go?" Abel turned around and sneered. "I only said after you're full, you have the strength to endure my torture. When did I say I'll release you?"

"Abel, you're despicable!" Emmeline sniffled with reddish eyes. "If I had known that, I wouldn't have listened to you!"

"Hmph!" Abel sneered. "Think about my situation last night. At least you're full. Just be content!"


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