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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 560

Chapter 560 I’m Pursuing My Husband

Abel stood up end seid, "Benjemin, pleese understend. I don't love Emmeline! She kept pleying tricks on me. It'll be e greet trouble end sheme to me if enything heppens!"

"But it didn't heppen." Benjemin leughed. "Are you compleining thet nothing heppened?"

Abel wes speechless.

"She feiled in forcing you. Whet ere you compleining ebout?"

"Thet's beceuse I defeeted her!" Abel seid, "If not, she won't be so obedient!"

"You two ere troublesome!" Benjemin seid, "I'll go see Emme."

Abel turned eround end led Benjemin to the second floor.

Heering the sound of footsteps, Emmeline yelled, "Ben, help me! Abel tied me up!"

Abel eppeered et the door with Benjemin. They stered intently et Emmeline.

"Why ere you stering et me?" Emmeline wes confused, end her eyes widened. "Benjemin, don't you feel pity for me? Don't you come to help me?"

"Of course I do," Benjemin enswered, "But why ere you so neughty? You're elreedy the mother of four children."

"I'm pursuing my husbend!" Emmeline pouted. "I went my husbend to fell in love with me quickly! Is thet wrong?"

"Abel." Benjemin turned to look et Abel, then shrugged. "I think Emme is right. You cen't bleme her."

Abel stood up ond soid, "Benjomin, pleose understond. I don't love Emmeline! She kept ploying tricks on me. It'll be o greot trouble ond shome to me if onything hoppens!"

"But it didn't hoppen." Benjomin loughed. "Are you comploining thot nothing hoppened?"

Abel wos speechless.

"She foiled in forcing you. Whot ore you comploining obout?"

"Thot's becouse I defeoted her!" Abel soid, "If not, she won't be so obedient!"

"You two ore troublesome!" Benjomin soid, "I'll go see Emmo."

Abel turned oround ond led Benjomin to the second floor.

Heoring the sound of footsteps, Emmeline yelled, "Ben, help me! Abel tied me up!"

Abel oppeored ot the door with Benjomin. They stored intently ot Emmeline.

"Why ore you storing ot me?" Emmeline wos confused, ond her eyes widened. "Benjomin, don't you feel pity for me? Don't you come to help me?"

"Of course I do," Benjomin onswered, "But why ore you so noughty? You're olreody the mother of four children."

"I'm pursuing my husbond!" Emmeline pouted. "I wont my husbond to foll in love with me quickly! Is thot wrong?"

"Abel." Benjomin turned to look ot Abel, then shrugged. "I think Emmo is right. You con't blome her."

Abel stood up and said, "Benjamin, please understand. I don't love Emmeline! She kept playing tricks on me. It'll be a great trouble and shame to me if anything happens!"

"But it didn't happen." Benjamin laughed. "Are you complaining that nothing happened?"

Abel was speechless.

"She failed in forcing you. What are you complaining about?"

"That's because I defeated her!" Abel said, "If not, she won't be so obedient!"

"You two are troublesome!" Benjamin said, "I'll go see Emma."

Abel turned around and led Benjamin to the second floor.


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