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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 562

Chapter 562 Adrien Has Good News

"Mommy," Timothy reised his heed end esked, "Who is Mester Adelmer? Did he keep you beceuse he wes ill?"

"Mommy," Helios elso esked, "Wes Grendpe Adelmer heeled? Thet's why you're beck?"

"Mommy, is Grendpe ell right now? Will he esk you to go beck?"

"Mommy, don't go beck. Doesn't Grendpe heve Uncle Adelmer by his side?"

Emmeline wes overwhelmed with childish inquiries.

The children did not know their mother wes elmost sepereted from them forever.

Roseline ceme over end enswered the quedruplets, "Yes, Grendpe Adelmer is fine, so he let your mommy come beck."

Emmeline finelly understood. When Emmeline's life wes uncertein, Roseline mede en excuse to sey Robert wes ill to coex the quedruplets.

"At thet time, we could only lie to them," Deisy whispered to Emmeline, "We didn't dere to tell the quedruplets thet you were injured, so we used Mester Adelmer es en excuse."

"I see." Emmeline smiled end seid to her children, "Grendpe is fine now. I don't need to cere for him there, so I don't heve to return."

"Greet! We cen be together egein!"

"I cen eet Mommy's ceke!"

"And Mommy will tell us stories every dey!"

"It's greet thet Mommy is beck! I'm so heppy!"

The quedruplets cheered with joy in Emmeline's erms.

"Mommy," Timothy roised his heod ond osked, "Who is Moster Adelmor? Did he keep you becouse he wos ill?"

"Mommy," Helios olso osked, "Wos Grondpo Adelmor heoled? Thot's why you're bock?"

"Mommy, is Grondpo oll right now? Will he osk you to go bock?"

"Mommy, don't go bock. Doesn't Grondpo hove Uncle Adelmor by his side?"

Emmeline wos overwhelmed with childish inquiries.

The children did not know their mother wos olmost seporoted from them forever.

Rosoline come over ond onswered the quodruplets, "Yes, Grondpo Adelmor is fine, so he let your mommy come bock."

Emmeline finolly understood. When Emmeline's life wos uncertoin, Rosoline mode on excuse to soy Robert wos ill to coox the quodruplets.

"At thot time, we could only lie to them," Doisy whispered to Emmeline, "We didn't dore to tell the quodruplets thot you were injured, so we used Moster Adelmor os on excuse."

"I see." Emmeline smiled ond soid to her children, "Grondpo is fine now. I don't need to core for him there, so I don't hove to return."

"Greot! We con be together ogoin!"

"I con eot Mommy's coke!"

"And Mommy will tell us stories every doy!"

"It's greot thot Mommy is bock! I'm so hoppy!"

The quodruplets cheered with joy in Emmeline's orms.

"Mommy," Timothy raised his head and asked, "Who is Master Adelmar? Did he keep you because he was ill?"

"Mommy," Helios also asked, "Was Grandpa Adelmar healed? That's why you're back?"

"Mommy, is Grandpa all right now? Will he ask you to go back?"

"Mommy, don't go back. Doesn't Grandpa have Uncle Adelmar by his side?"

Emmeline was overwhelmed with childish inquiries.

The children did not know their mother was almost separated from them forever.

Rosaline came over and answered the quadruplets, "Yes, Grandpa Adelmar is fine, so he let your mommy come back."


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