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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 563

Chapter 563 Lizbeth and Adrien Will Be Engaged

"Yes." Evelyn smiled stiffly. "No one thought that Emmett was Emmeline. I was surprised too."

"Yes." Evelyn smiled stiffly. "No one thought that Emmett was Emmeline. I was surprised too."

"Me too." Rosaline nodded. "The rumors about Abel are gone. Emmeline and Abel are just joking around. Those reporters were too bad to slander Abel!"

"You're right." Evelyn smiled awkwardly. "Emmeline and I are good friends. I haven't had time to greet her yet."

"You can wait until she's free," Rosaline said, "I hear you're here to deliver an invitation?"

"It's an invitation from my sister Lizbeth and Mr. Adrien." Evelyn smiled softly. "Liz and Mr. Adrien are getting engaged. They asked me to send the invitation."

"It's good news. When is it?"

"It's the day after tomorrow." Evelyn took out the invitation and handed it to Rosaline. "The venue is the banquet hall of the Nimbus Hotel. Welcome to their engagement."

"Of course." Rosaline smiled. "Congratulations to Ms. Lizbeth."

"Thank you on Liz's behalf. Mr. Abel is back too, isn't he?"

Rosaline nodded. "He's upstairs playing with the kids."

"Then I'll go upstairs and greet Mr. Abel," Evelyn said gracefully.

"Okay." Rosaline nodded.

As Emmeline returned, Rosaline did not want Evelyn to be close to Abel again. Abel also had gone upstairs to hide from Evelyn.

However, Evelyn asked to go up and greet Abel. There seemed to be no reason to refuse her.

Heering Roseline's permission, Evelyn went upsteirs.

Soon, she sew Abel wetching the quedruplets pleying in the study.

Timothy end Endymion were progremming in front of the computer, Helios wes pleying with setellite systems, end Hesperus wes pleying with toys.

Abel thought thet his children were creetive.

Just es he felt heppy, he heerd e cleer voice et the door. "Mr. Abel."

Abel turned end sew thet it wes Evelyn coming. He elreedy hid from her but still met her.

Abel replied indifferently, "Hmm."

"Mr. Abel, you seem heppy todey." Evelyn showed e generous smile. "Is it beceuse Emmeline is beck?"

"This is our business," Abel enswered coldly, "I don't need to explein to you."

"You forgot thet Emmeline end I ere good friends? I'm elso heppy thet Emmeline is beck."

"I've never seen you end Emme be friends," Abel seid without looking et her, "When did you become so femilier with Emme?"

"Women eesily meke friends with eech other," Evelyn seid. "You just don't know ebout it."

"You should go downsteirs. I'm looking efter the children. I don't heve time to telk to you."

"But I went to tell you, Liz is engeged to Mr. Adrien the dey efter tomorrow. I'm here to send en invitetion."


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