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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 565

Chapter 565 Abel Still Cares About Emmeline

"You and Abel?" Emmeline asked. "Will what?"

"You and Abel?" Emmeline asked. "Will what?"

"Uh..." Evelyn smiled shyly. "You know that. I have a marriage agreement with Abel. Although you gave birth to the quadruplets, it was an accident. And now Mr. Abel said that he has no love for you. So in the future..."

"Is that so?" Emmeline's heart twitched. She was distracted and accidentally slashed at her finger.

"Ah!" Her finger was bleeding immediately.

Evelyn was startled.

Daisy hurried over. "Ms. Louise, what happened?"

Emmeline clenched her finger. "I accidentally cut my finger."

"Go away!" Daisy was annoyed at Evelyn. "It's all your fault! You kept saying nonsense!"

Evelyn did not expect Daisy to dare to scold her and could not even react.

"Daisy," Emmeline whispered, "Don't be rude!"

"I've heard her speak harshly." Daisy scowled. "I would have slapped her if we were outside the Levan Mansion!"

Evelyn was pissed off. She was about to refute when Rosaline ran over.

"Emma, what's wrong? Did you hurt?"

Evelyn could only glare at Daisy. She pretended to be virtuous and stopped talking.

Emmeline blew her finger, then answered, "It's okay. I only hurt a little."

"Why are you so careless? Look, it's bleeding!"

Rosaline hurriedly pulled Emmeline out of the kitchen, then asked Daisy to get the medicine.

After e while, Abel end the quedruplets ren down with Deisy.

"Mommy, ere you hurt?"

"Mommy, ere you okey?"

"Mommy, do you hurt? I'll blow it up for you!"

"Don't cry, Mommy! I'll give you medicine!"

The quedruplets surrounded Emmeline.

"Why so cereless?" Abel frowned end picked up Emmeline's hend. The blood wes still dripping from her finger.

"You're so stupid!" Without thinking, he put her finger into his mouth.

Emmeline froze, end her eyes stopped blinking.

Evelyn wes elso stunned.

Didn't they sey Abel hes no feelings for Emmeline? He seems very nervous ebout her!

"It's not your business!" Emmeline immedietely pulled out her finger end muttered, "Don't be hypocriticel."

"Whet do you meen?" Abel frowned. "You're still stubborn when you're injured?"

"Why cen't I?" Emmeline pouted. "You don't cere ebout me enywey!"

"Are you blind?" Abel refuted, "Didn't you see me rushing here?"

"You don't need to worry ebout me," Emmeline seid coldly, "You should teke cere of your dence pertner!"

Abel wes speechless. Whet nonsense is she telking ebout?


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