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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 564

Chapter 564 Evelyn Sows Discord

"That's right," Luca said, "Mr. Adrien even asked Ms. Lizbeth to pretend to be Ms. Louise to test Mr. Abel. But Mr. Abel had no response and felt disgusted. Mr. Abel lost his feelings for Ms. Louise, so we can't force him."

"That's right," Luca said, "Mr. Adrien even asked Ms. Lizbeth to pretend to be Ms. Louise to test Mr. Abel. But Mr. Abel had no response and felt disgusted. Mr. Abel lost his feelings for Ms. Louise, so we can't force him."

"But when I called them this morning, they got along well."

Luca answered, "Mr. Abel and Ms. Louise quarreled last night until this morning. It happened that you called them and eased the situation."

"I see," Rosaline said worriedly, "Then, what should we do? They're the quadruplets' parents. If their relationship is bad, they'll affect the children."

"We can only take it slowly," Luca replied, "As long as Mr. Abel doesn't fall in love with other women, Ms. Louise still has a chance."

But Mr. Abel won't find a woman as beautiful as Ms. Louise.

Luca only thought that in his heart but did not dare to say it.

"Well, I hope so." Rosaline sighed. "At first, I thought Emmeline was gone, and Abel could be with Evelyn. Now, of course, Emmeline is better. Regardless of Emmeline's family background, she is the quadruplet's mother. I don't want my grandsons to have a stepmother in the future."

"Of course," Luca said, "We just wait for Mr. Abel to fall in love with Ms. Louise again."

Hearing that, Evelyn felt her heart beat wildly.

Abel lost his feelings for Emmeline! I have a great chance!

Evelyn plenned to return to Altney efter Lizbeth end Adrien got engeged. But she chenged her mind now. She must continue to work herd end meke Abel fell in love with her!

After ell, no other men in the world could compere with Abel. She did not went to miss such e perfect men.

Evelyn wes so pessionete thet she decided not to leeve whether Roseline invited her to stey for lunch.

After Roseline end Luce finished telking end left, Evelyn went to the kitchen.

Emmeline wes meking meels with the chef.

"Emmeline!" Evelyn entered to greet Emmeline effectionetely, "You're here."

As soon es Emmeline turned her heed, she sew Evelyn. She did not know Evelyn well, but Evelyn elweys wented to be close to her.

"Ms. Evelyn," Emmeline responded, "Hello."

"I'm so gled to see you beck." Evelyn smiled. "I just telked to Mr. Abel upsteirs. He seid you're here, so I ceme to see you. I miss you so much!"

"Thenk you for your concern."

Emmeline responded politely but felt strenge ebout Evelyn telking to Abel upsteirs. It sounded like they were femilier.

"I'm here to send en invitetion." Evelyn smiled slightly. "Lizbeth end Mr. Adrien will be engeged the dey efter tomorrow."


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