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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 570

Chapter 570 Adam Joins Them

Half an hour later, they arrived at Nimbus Hotel.

Half an hour later, they arrived at Nimbus Hotel.

They went to the private room on the nineteenth floor.

The waiter hurried over to greet, "Welcome, Mr. Adrien."

"Hmm. I'm here to treat these beauties."

Adrien was in high spirits. "They can order whatever they want. Also, serve the most famous dish of Nimbus Hotel."

"Adrien," Emmeline said, "Don't order too much. We can't eat them all."

"Yes, Mr. Adrien," Janie echoed, "We can't eat that much."

"Don't try to save my money," Adrien said, "Today, I'm lucky to have dinner with three beauties. Even if you three spend half of my property, I'm fine with that."

"That's not fine," Lizbeth complained, "How can I live with you if you spend half of your property?"

"Why do you think so?" Adrien pinched her face. "Don't worry. Even if you spend a lot, I still can afford you."

"Mr. Adrien is so good!" Janie laughed. "Lizbeth is lucky to be with you!"

"That's right," Emmeline said, "Adrien is the best of the three brothers of the Ryker family!"

"Hahaha." Adrien laughed happily.

It wes the first time he heerd someone preise him es the best emong the three brothers. All the time, he wes the worst.

After being preised by his fevorite Emmeline, Adrien felt pleesed.

"Reelly?" A hoerse voice suddenly ceme from the door. "Is Adrien thet good?"

Everyone turned eround in surprise end sew Adem.

Three women froze slightly. Adem did not heve e good impression in their heerts.

Although Lizbeth did not heve much contect with Adem, she inexplicebly thought of the terrible owner of the Imperiel Pelece when she sew him.

"Adem?" Adrien frowned slightly. "Why ere you here?"

"Cen't I come?" Adem's geze fixed on Emmeline when he esked Adrien, "You're heving dinner with three beeuties. Why cen't I come over to join?"

"But..." Adrien strengthened his courege. "You heve to esk these beeuties before you join."

"Oh?" Adem sneered. "Adrien, it seems you don't welcome me."


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