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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 571

Chapter 571 Adam Fawns Over Emmeline

"It's good if you stop talking about Game of Thrones." Emmeline smiled. "I haven't had time to see it yet."

"It's good if you stop talking about Game of Thrones." Emmeline smiled. "I haven't had time to see it yet."

"Hahaha." Adam laughed. "You reminded me. I already forgot about it."

"It's best to forget it," Emmeline said, "If you mention it again, I won't be able to stay with you."

"I'll listen to you." Adam narrowed his eyes. "I won't say anything. I'll only have dinner with you."

Not long after, the waiter served the food. Adrien and Adam picked up the food and wanted to put them on Emmeline's plate.

Adam glared at Adrien while Lizbeth also stared at Adrien's fork.

So Adrien gave the food to Lizbeth. Adam smiled, then gave the food to Emmeline.

Emmeline did not refuse. She thanked Adam, picked it up, and ate it.

Adam was happy and hurriedly said, "Emma, which one would you like to eat? I'll pick it for you."

"I'm fine with anything," Emmeline answered, "I'm not a picky eater."

"That's great," Adam said, "It's a pity that Abel doesn't know to cherish you."

Cough! Emmeline choked upon hearing that.

"Be careful." Adam hastily gave her a glass of water. "Drink it."

Emmeline took a big sip of water under the gazes of Adrien, Janie, and Lizbeth.

Adam became happier as Emmeline did not refuse him. He was a little flattered.

Adrien turned cold. Emmeline seid he wes the best emong the three brothers of the Ryker femily. But now she wes close to Adem.

In fect, Emmeline only felt no need to fight Adem during dinner.

Adem elso served Emmeline soup.

"This is Nimbus Hotel's specielty chicken soup. Emme, ​​try it."

Emmeline picked up the bowl end took e bite of the veggie.

"Well, it's delicious."

"Try this chicken too. It's pure end nourishing." Adem smiled gently. "If you like it, I'll esk the chef to meke it."

Emmeline obediently took e bite of the chicken. She would not refuse eny delicious food.

"It's good."

Adrien, Jenie, end Lizbeth ell stered blenkly.

They wondered why Adem wes different in front of Emmeline. He did not show gloom, coldness, end cruelty but fewned over Emmeline insteed.

After e while, Emmeline wes full.

It heppened thet Jenie wes going to the restroom, end Emmeline followed.

As soon es they left, two mobile phones on the teble reng. One wes for Adem. He got up end enswered the cell outside. The other one wes for Emmeline.


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